Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 50

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I am enjoying my own luxorious Lexus" Yes!
  4. Clarity of Intention:

    " I have over $15,000 a month in passive income"

    How I feel having this as my reality:

    I feel very enlightened and connected to the First and Ultimate Giver. I love the generosity of God. I feel empowered to do what I love to do. I feel the love from Heaven engulfing me. I am so happy and grateful now that I live in my own amazing mansion" Thank you so much. Yes
  5. My wonderful Successes for today:

    - I went to Eid prayer and greeted people I didn't know presently and warmly just for the sake of spreading the love and gratitude.

    - I sent out messages that of warm greetings of Eid to many many of my friends and relatives.

    - I made the majority of people sitting in the family gathering today laugh wholeheartedly. Yes Yes and Thank you.

    - I played bowling and re-discovered the secret to striking right at the middle.

    - I had two big cups of green drinks. Yes Yes Yes.

    - I went very playful with Haya the cutest and had tons of fun.

    - I shared with Khalti the importance of diaphram breathing to a healthy life and getting rid of migrane.

    - I kept 4 of the 5 prayers in time.

    - I allowed Omar to share his nice songs on his PSP with us through my car's sound system.

    - I played volley ball with Ammar, foot-basket-ball with Ahmad, Humam, and Ibrahim to increase my healthy blood circulation.

    - I took Abu Humam's number from Khalo so that I keep in touch with him more often. Yes.

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