A funny thought that occured to me after waking up while still in bed thinking about what I read last night about virtual reality. I was thinking, what if people's constructed mental split between their real-life actions and virtual actions start to blur? What are the legal & eniviromental implications, not to mention business and economics? After all, what scientist are discovering in the field of Quantum Physics is pointing very boldly to the fact that what we experience with our senses represents a very tiny portion of reality. The unseen is much much greater than the "seen", according to them.
"Get a Second Life", more than one online article were titled. "What?!" was my reaction. "What about my first life? I'm having difficulties managing stuff in my first life; I'm not sure I want to add a second life now."
"Choose from our list of wide variety of last names", the Second Life registeration page instructed. "What?!" was my reaction again. "Changing my name? .. Now that's worth my meditation time" ;-)
Personally, I love my name, but I think I'm going to leave this post open to the readers' stands on this without me taking a solid position. I'm curious to know what other people think and feel towards a VR vs. SP (the title?) hypothesis and how they perceive it.
Since I dont know anything about Quantun Physics, or how to spell it for that matter, i don't have much to say about it. However, I think you bring up some really good points. When will people see their Second Life and their primary life? I'm sure there is someone out living in a rundown apartment in the physical world (what i like to think of as real life), but as rich as a king in their Second Life.
I guess it's just a matter of whatever makes you happy! Who am i to judge?
Interesting points. Do you think maybe people are struggling so much with their 'first lives' that they use their 'second lives' as a medium to do things they would/could never do in real life?
That's what I wonder...
When I first posted on my blog I was totally against it. Now I am starting to warm up to it a little. You never can trust that the person is who they say it is so it is hard I feel to actually open up to a person. However, I feel like some people may need this. People who get bullied or don't have the money to look nice or go out and meet people can help them get away.
I'm sure that people use Second Life and similar programs/games to do things that they can't do in real life. I know that The Sims Online is filled with sexual deviants (from reading articles NOT personal experience).
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