Monday, November 9, 2009

Nov. 9, 2009

Dear Abdulrahman:

  1. You finished the Template Method Pattern and learned a lot from it. Thank you very much.
  2. You had FOUR cups of green drinks today. Very Very healthy. Thank you very much.
  3. You watched the third lecture from the Games People Play series. Thank you very very much.
  4. You trained on all the Dvorak layout letters using the RapidTyping training software. You're contiuously improving, adding more and more to the skill, and showing a lot of potential. Thank you very very much.
  5. You finished the Bit Literacy book and reviewed some of your notes and highlights. Very very informative. COMPLETION ^_^ Thank you very much.
  6. You read another 3% of Positive Energy. Total so far is 78%. Thank you very much.
  7. Having another 10-minute session of Image Streaming. Thank you so very much.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nov. 8, 2009

Dear Abdulrahman:

  1. You are still continuing with the great positive supportive habbit of VAKS and FFA deposits. Thank you very much.
  2. You had 2 cups of green drinks to keep alkalized. Thank you so very much.
  3. You've been hydrating very very well today. Thank you bunches.
  4. You finished 2 very insightful amazing Design Patterns today: the command pattern and the adapter pattern. Very very useful and proffesional knowledge you're investig your time in. Thank you very very much.
  5. You watched the third lecture in the Games People Play series and got introduced, among many, to the great tools of Game Tree and Nash Equilibrium. Thank you very much.
  6. Tested whether the payment requests are going to the ops director when they are required to. Thank you very much.
  7. Adding another fruitful Image Streaming session to your arsenal of bridging your two hemispheres. Thank you deeply and sincerely.
  8. Reinforced the first lesson on Dvorak layout and started learning the second lesson ( PY FG ). Thank you very very much.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nov. 7, 2009

Dear Abdulrahman:

  1. You went to the gym first thing in the morning and did a fruitful workout B. Thank you very much.
  2. You learned from the instructor how to do weighted hyperextensions for the strength of your lower back. Thank you very much.
  3. You read another section from Bit Literacy. Total so far is 80%. Thank you so very much.
  4. You're applying so much from what you learning. Already installed the DVORAK layout on your OS and took lesson #1 on how to use the layout. Much Much more efficient. Thank you so much.
  5. You finished 2 Design Patterns today: Factories & the Singleton. Thank you deeply and sincerely.
  6. You've had 3 big cups of green drinks today. Really really thank you.
  7. You accepted the amazing invitation from Anas to go to QualityNet's open day and had an amazing time there. You played football. Ate plenty of salads and minimum meat. And most importantly, you got yourself involved with the awesome child-like play of trampoline; the ultimate joy experience. Thank you very much.
  8. You remembered to keep some Sajj sandwiches for mom and dad when they come. Thank you thank you thank you.
  9. You bought a football, sand toys, and a kite to enrich this day's play experience. Thank you very much.
  10. You thanked Anas sincerely for the invitation. Thank you very much.
  11. You thanked the Sajj guy by the name. Very thoughtful of you. Thank you very much.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nov. 5, 2009

Dear Abdulrahman:

  1. You had 2 cups of green drinks. Thank you very much.
  2. You incorporated uploading and analyzing invoices into your system. Thank you very much.
  3. You read about the second design pattern (Observer Pattern) and learned a lot from it. Awesome stuff. Thank you sincerely. Thanks.
  4. You're already into the third one (Decorator Pattern) and are immensely enjoying it. Thank you very much.
  5. You watched and took notes from the second lecture from Games People Play. Thank you so very much.
  6. You read another 5% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 75%. Thank you very much.
  7. You fixed and made cautions to prevent the issue occuring from strange file names uploaded to the system. Thank you very much.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nov. 4, 2009

Dear Abdulrahman:
  1. You went to the gym first thing in the morning to exercise your body. Thank you.
  2. You were very flexible in shifting from swimming (which wasn't practical without changing clothes) to treadmill running. Thank you.
  3. You had FOUR cups of green drinks today. Really really amazing alertness. Thank you so very much, dear.
  4. You read another 3% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 70%. Thank you so very much.
  5. You added the company's logo to the printout feature. Thank you very much.
  6. You locked the printout version to prevent anyone from messing out with it. Thank you very much.
  7. You solved the several issues that rised today with the system and persevered through them very deligently. Thank you.
  8. You had an insightful session with Dr. Buti. Thank you very much.
  9. You read a major part of this amazing book "Head First Design Patterns" and you are already in love with every beaming page of it. You're learning SO much from it at the speed of light and wish you could not leave it until you're done with it. EXtremely engaging. Thank you for this amazing choice. Thank you.

Nov. 3, 2009

Dear Abdulrahman:
  1. You had 2 cups of green drinks. Thank you very much.
  2. You took the two supplements and kept the regimen. Thank you very much.
  3. You wrote your own awesome application for mirroring all files from one drive to the other. You followed sound logic and applied the "No-Magic-Strings-or-Numerals" rule of thumb to your development. You debugged it very professionally and utilized threading and I/O skills learned in your MCPD studying. Thank you very very very much.
  4. You allowed yourself to sleep early (10 PM) and have some extra rest. Thank you very much.
  5. You read another 5% of Bit literacy. Total so far is 67%. Thank you very much.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Nov. 2, 2009

Dear Abdulrahman:
  1. You went to the gym first thing in the morning and did the workout A. Thank you.
  2. You had three cups of green drinks. Very healthy. Thank you very much.
  3. You read another 3% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 68%. Thank you.
  4. You read another 1% from Bit Literacy. Total so far is 66%. Thank you
  5. You finalized the salary sheet at work. Thank you very much.
  6. You lead the Toastmasters meeting very very effectively and had such a great growth in the number of members we have. Thank you very much.
  7. You took Reem with you to the meeting and left a very positive impression about the organization in her mind. Thank you very deeply.
  8. You took the role of general evaluator and handled it very well. Very observant notes you took. Thank you very much.
  9. You won the Best Table Topics award on the topic of sleeping and dreams. Thank you very much.
  10. You walked Faisal through the system. Helped him understand the simplicity of it and the great value it provides for the company. Thank you very much.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nov. 1, 2009

Dear Abdulrahman:

  1. You had two cups of green drinks. Vibrant green energy. Thank you.
  2. Two Supplements. Thank you very much.
  3. You concluded the listening sessions of "The Now Habit" in your automobile university. Thank you very much :-)
  4. You got the entire series of Games People Play, watched the first lecture introducing the concept of Game Theory and took active notes. Thank you very much.
  5. You reviewed the interview of Tony Robbins with the founders of the Static Contraction Training to get a better grasp of the practice. Thank you very much.
  6. You read another 3% of Bit Literacy. Total so far is 65%. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
  7. You had over 1.5 Liters of water today. Hyderation to the max. Thank you.
  8. Having at least 10 minutes of Image Streaming before going to bed. Thank you very much.

Notes from Static Contraction Interview

* Range of motion has nothing to do with stimulation and which muscles you strengthen, so use your strongest range.

* Overtraining happens the moment you go to the gym too soon.

* The moment the weight starts going down. You can't hold it anymore.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Oct. 31, 2009

Dear Abdulrahman:

  1. You shared the beautiful dream you had about your grandfather's inspiring tons of people. You rejoiced in the interpretation she gave to you. Thank you.
  2. You did the end-of-month closing of your JARS. Thank you very much.
  3. You read another 5% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 60%. Thank you very deeply.
  4. You read another 7% from Bit Literacy. Total so far is 62%. Thank you so much.
  5. You went to visit Dr. Jamal to warm his house after surviving his illness. Thank you.
  6. You spent time having playful fun with Omar and Duha through the game of Takh Teekh. Thank you very much.
  7. You helped mom and dad with unloading and then re-loading the fridge for repairing it. Thank you very much.
  8. You helped Duha with her homework by providing some postal stamps you got from Uzbakistan. Thank you very much.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 90

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I am feeding a million person in need" Yes!
  4. Act in spite of:

    - I will have a total of at least 20 minutes of Image Streming tomorrow. Yes!
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You are completing this 90 Frekin' Awesome days program today. I am SOO proud of you. You are starting a ritual of Image Streaming sessions everyday. Thank you so much.

    - You had 2 big cups of green drinks. Thank you so very much.

    - You read another 5% from Positive Energy. Amazing knowledge on the power of energy-based creatvity. Total so far is 55%. Thank you very much.

    - You read another 5% from Bit Literacy. Total so far is 55%. Thank you so much.

    - You went to the gym for workout B. And did great. Thank you for taking care of your temple. Thank you.

    - You took your siblings and mom to the garden to have some really great playful fun. Thank you very much.

    - You helped Khaled Hinnawi with his English homework. Thank you deeply.

    - You received compliments openly, graciously, and without resistance. Thank you very much.

MUCH much LoVE *.*

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 89

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declaraions. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Financial Freedom. Done!
  4. References for Ability and Deservedness:

    - I am an excellent money manager. I handle my income and my expenses very harmoniously and educate myself very highly on how to handle green energy in the most effective way. Yes!

    - I am a freakin' warrior. I will do whatever it takes.

    - I am a continuous learner. Always growing. Always learning more. Very powerful application of cutting-edge knowledge and techniques . Yes
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You had 2 cups of green drinks. Thank you.

    - You dealth with your flat tire situation very reseliently. Thank you.

    - You remembered to take a recharged AAA battery to your car for the mp3 player to listen to the amazing lessons of "The Now Habbit". You also took a spare one for immediate replacement. Thank you very much.

    - You hydrated your body very very well today. Thank you very much.

    - You read another 4% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 50%. Thank you.

    - You treated yourself to a long session of Big Bang theory. Thank you very much for all the internal laughter.

    - You communicated and connected with so many many friends on this birthday occasion. You were so receptive of their wishes and feelings, rather than immediately bouncing it back in the form of a counter-compliment. You take time to internally accept, receive, and say thank you. Thank you very much.

Happy 22nd Birthday, genius! Much Love :-)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 88

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth: "I have positive beliefs around wealth and money"
  4. Belief in Value:

    I am an amazing solution provider. Very calm and laser-focused with logic and code. Artistic and in the flow with arts and design. I utilize technology to give the leaders and decision makers all the available relevant, timely, accurate, data clues that optimize the decision to the max. I am an enabler of solutions, and endless super-fast possibilities through my highly acclaimed talent in system design. I also have a knack for awesome computer graphics to adorn all the usefulness of any system with catchy friendly easy-on-the-eye visuals. Yes Yes Yes. I am also a continuous non-stop everyday learner. A fantastic team-player. Thank you.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You handled the challenges withing the system today very effectively and resolved them all in the same day. Thank you very much.

    -You made the website compatible with all browsers including Firefox and IE 8. Thanks very very much.

    - You walked Ahmad through the process of tracking and taking action with requests. Thank you.

    - You had 2 cups of green drinks. Thank you very much.

    - You went to the swimming pool first thing in the morning and treated yourself with a warm hot lovely jacuzee session. Very soothing and cleansing. Thank you so very deeply.

    - You went to the thrid day of GO3 and were so engaged in all the activities and lessons. You won the competeion of image streaming to a partner who is drawing. You're super cool there. I loved it. Thank you very much.

    - You connected with all your friends in the re-union dinner. So much love and great memories. Thank you.

    - You asked Afnan to bring you the amazing hilariousness of Big Bang theory so that you can watch more of it. Thank you very much.

Have the most fantabulous of nights! See ya :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 87

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short term desire. "I am a now-habit magnificent producer" Yes
  4. Visualization:

    - I am in Tony Robbins uneash the power within event. He is rocking our world. Our internal and external realities are shifting massively. I am feeling super jazzed. Energised to my core. I know I can do everything.I am unstoppable. We are dancing ike crazy. We are repeating with utter convictionour powerful incantations of power and fulfillment. I hear the roaring of the audience of soon to unfold masters. I hear the upbeat music. I see all the moving lights for dancing. I feel blessed and soooo blissful.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You had 3 cups of green drinks. Thank you very much.

    - You finished Chapter 3 from ASP.NET Social Networking and your learning so many exciting things from it. Thank you very much.

    - You're learning more and more about the MVC framework of web development. So much more structured, neat, and easier to deal with and test. Thank you very much.

    - You've been taking concious breathes very often during the day. I noticed that. Thank you sincerely and deeply. Thank you.

    - You kept the principles of bit literacy in managing your email accounts. Thank you.

    - You asked for your internet access to be renewed at work. Thank you very much.

    - You went to the second day of GO3. You remembered to bring the manual. You also took very important notes. Thank you very much.

    - You felt deep gratitude for your ability to communiate in English. Something many many countless people around the globe can only long for. Thank you very much.

    - You brought bread and falafel back home. Thank you very much.

    - You asked the local sea food restaurant if he can cook for your mom. Thank you very much.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 86

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I am attending Peak Potential's Wizard Training Camp" Yes!
  4. Purpose for Money:

    - I am enjoying all the lovely wonders of diving into the world's most beautiful breathtaking sites, locations, sceneries, and magical places. Yes Yes Yes.

    - I have the capacity to grow exponentially through all the courses, seminars, programs, training, coaching, events, camps that my amazing wealth can afford me. Thank you.

    - I own my own mansion and luxurious Lexus car.

    - I am an amazingly expanded and growing person now. All this wealth came from becoming the person to whom this wealth belongs to going through all the growth and expansion that becoming wealthy brings to me. Yes.

    - I have much more power to inspire and make the world a better place to live in.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You went to the gym first thing in the morning and did workout A. Thank you very much.

    - You had 2 cups of green drinks. Thank you very much.

    - You summarized the weeks attendance. Thank you.

    - You helped Nariman learn how to use the PRD system. Thank you.

    - Started on adding the printing feature and contiued to tweak it until the print out looked great. Thank you.

    - You courageously communicated with Faisal regarding the internet connectio issue. Thank you.

    - You reminded Martin about the salaries for October. Thank you very much.

    - You went to the GO3 training and ASKED for getting registered even though you haven't planned for it. Money afforded you the opportunity to get inside. And you actively participated in it. Thank you very much, dear.

    - You're showing more and more love towards your self. Very healthy. I love it. Thank you very very much. Thank you.

Have a miraculous night! See you tomorrow :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 85

  1. Attitudes of wealth declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Financial Freedom. Done!
  4. Clarity of Intention:

    "I have over $15,000 a month in passive income"

    How do you feel having this as your reality:

    I feel so enlightened and joyous. I feel so much love. All the financial energy and money I have is an amazing material expression of love, joy, growth, and empowerment. I can afford to make my own choices and decisions no matter what. I love all the joy I can live in especially as I witness the most absorbing of all natural places. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You had 2 cups of green drinks. Thank you.

    - You took 2 supplements. Thank you.

    - You reviewed a very helpful summary of several chapters from "The Now Habit" Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    - You finished the text description of the company's values, vision, operations, and branches. Thank you thank you thank you.

    - You installed flash for the team leader. Thank you very much.

    - You received your Touch Typist certificate. Thank you very much.

    - You laminated all three certificates. Thank you deeply.

    - You got yourself a pair of swimming goggles and gloves to add to your A+ self-care when at the gym. Thank you so very deeply. Thanks truly.

    - You got mom her veggies that she wanted. Thank you.

    - You glided by Jareer's newcomer books and registered two titles that you'd love to read. Thank you very much.

    - You kept track of all the conscious spending that you made today. Thank you.

    - You applied zero-count to your work inbox. So much lighter and alive. Thank you very very much, dear.

    - You smiled from your heart to some workers you don't know at the company. Thank you very much.

    - Welcomed Jason to the team very wholeheartedly through email. Thank you.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 84

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. "I have positive beliefs around money and wealth" Yes!
  4. Appreciation & Gratitude:

    - I am so happy and grateful now that I am at the dawn of completion for this program. I have been adamant about it regardless of whatever. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for my amazing health that I enjoy. My body is always strong, hydrated, and vibrant. Thank you very very much.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the amazing joy I have every day in the gym. I look forward to waking up every day for the amazement joy that I am gonna have. Thank you thank you thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the connection I have to Harv Eker and his teachings through Facebook. Thank you.

    - Thank you sooooo much for Judith Orloff and her amazing book "Positive Energy" I love every page of it to pieces. Thank you very much.

    - Thank you so much for the amazing knowledge and wisdom that I am applying in my life through bit literacy. Thank you Mark Hurst. Lovely liberating freedom.

    - Thank you so much for my brother Omar and sister Duha. Every day there's an special Divine serving of laughter that is mostly channled through those two beautiful souls. Thank you very much.

    - Thank you so much for my dear professor Dr. Hamid Al Qaheri. He's a rare real gem of my personal and academic life. Thank you so much.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for my amazing dutiful car. Every day reliance and high performance. Thank you so much.

    - Thank you so much for me. My physical self, my spiritual self, my mindful presence, my knowledge and supportive beliefs. Thank you so much for the totality of the gift that is me. I am so happy to be me. Thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now that I have completed the MCPD - Web program and received the certificate. I deserve all success and wealth that I desire and more. Thank you thank you thank you.

    - Thank you so ever deeply for the great circle of supportive friends who are so happy and delighted that I am getting more and more successful every day. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for my great touch typing ability. I love the speed it generates and the time it saves. Thank you so much.

    Choose one and describe how it makes you feel:

    I am so especially grateful for my health. The availablity of every day high positive energy to vibrantly supercharge every acitvity I involve myself in is just amazing. I feel powerful and empowered, I feel joy, I feel the vibrance and fragrance of life. I smile with the entirety of my being, body and soul. My heart smiles and all my body smiles. I love the sensation. Thank you thank you thank you.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You went to the gym first thing in the morning and had a blast swimming and then treating your self to a hot pampering jakoozi session. You also enjoying watching the informative Wild channel while swimming. Thank you.

    - You remembered the reception clerk's name: Steven and greeted him in the morning. Thank you.

    - You had 2 big cups of green drinks. Thank you very much.

    -You're keeping your email count to absolute zero. You're enjoying all the benefits of immediate application of what you learn in bit literacy. Thank you thank you thank you.

    - You read another 5% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 45%. Thank you deeply.

    - You read another section from Bit Literacy (entering chapter 7). Total so far is 43%. Thank you very very much :)

    - You kept your commitment to finishing the second chapter from ASP.NET Social Networking. Lot's of technical and architechtural insights. I see loads of potential growth in this book. Thank you very much for this choice. Thank you.

    - You treated yourself to an intriguing episode of MythBusters on Dimpled Golf Ball effects. Thank you very much.

    - You rested in the afternoon and had a delicious power nap. Thank you very much.

Have a marvellous restful night, dear. See you tomorrow.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 83

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire. "I have an amazing connection to my creative flow" Yes!
  4. Act in spite of

    I will Finish chapter 2 of ASP.NET Social Networking tomorrow. Yes!
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You had a very energising morning walk with mom. Thank you.

    - You explained to mom your position on being responsible for teaching kids. Thank you.

    - You read another 2% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 40%. Thank you very much.

    - You read another section from Bit Literacy. Thank you very much.

    - You had 1 big cup of green drinks. Thank you so much.

    - You gave your scalp a very soothing massage. Thank you very much.

    - You went to Khalo's and had a great social gathering with them. Thank you very much.

    - You congratulated Abu Humam for his new job very warmly and sincerely. Thank you.

    - You organized the Inshad meeting tonight and played an active role within it. Thank you very much.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 82

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!

  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!

  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I am cruising down the Carribean for an entire month"

  4. References for Ability and Deservedness:

    - I am a frickin' warrior and I will do whatever it takes. Yes!

    - I am an excellent money manager. I master the spending and saving game. Yes Yes Yes

    - I am a continuous learner. Always growing. Always growing. Always growing. Yes Yes Yes.

  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You sent all the accounts to the people whom you know are involved in the system. Thank you.

    - You sent them the sysem tour. Thank you very much.

    - You had 2 big cups of green drinks. Thank you.

    - You went to the gym first thing in the morning and enjoyed workout B. YES ye yes. So much morning energy. Thank you.

    - You read another 3% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 38% Thank you so much.

    - You read the first chapter and a little of the second from ASP.Net Social Networks. Such an amazing addition to the arsenal of your web development knowledge. Thank you thank you thank you.

    - You went through the process of zero-count inbox makeover for both your Gmail and Hotmail accounts. Such an amazing relief. Thank you thank you thank you, Abdulrahman.

    - You had 2 supplements. Thank you.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 81

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Financial Freedom. Done!
  4. Belief in Value:

    I am a breakthrough generator. A breakthrough generator. A superb solution provider. I make technology my greatest business ally and provide the business with the most timely, accurate, relevant data for the most important decsisions. Optimizing every dicision with this data, I also present it in a very graphical professional and artistic way. I am also talented with many computer arts that I combine with logic to present the business with the intelligent and also attractive solution that they use for their high-weight decisions. I am also a perseverent continuous learner. Always growing. Always growing. And a very supportive and productive team player. I also take 100% responsibility of mylife. Yes Yes Yes
  5. Dear Abdurahman:

    - You went to the gym first thing in the morning and had a very refreshing swimming session. Thank you.

    - You read some very cool sections from Positive Energy and Bit Literacy. Amazing food for thought. Thank you very much.

    - You recorded the system tour for the entire team so that they know how to use it. Thank you very much.

    - You prepared the entire series of emails you want to send to the system users to declare the launch of the system. Thank you very much.

    - You watched the rest of The Science of Miracles DVD. Amazing wisdom and science. I loved it. Thank you.

    - You went to CBA and got your Internet Marketing book back. You also returned the Oracle book you borrowed from the MIS club. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 80

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Decalarations. Done!
  2. Deposit into FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportive belief around wealth and money. "Making money is easy and simple"
  4. Visulaization:

    I am swimming in the crystal clear waters of the Philipense and observing the most breath-stealing scenaries of the world. It's amazing how many people have accomplished and the wonderful freeedom of being here any time of the year for an extended period of time. I smell the amazing frfeagrance of the green filled islands all around me. I hear birds flying by and waving atme. I love the wonder of this moment. I am so happy and grateful that this is my reality. Thank you very much. I touch the surace of the water and start making natural swooshes. So calming and peaceful. Yes!
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You had 2 cups of green drinks today. Thank you.

    - You launched the PRD system today. Thank you.

    - You found a brilliant solution to notifications through forwarding from FWI emails to NREC. Fabulous! Thank you!

    - You helped Ahmad get back to speed in entering delivery data. Thank you.

    - You were so passionate about work today that you couldn't feel time passing by. Thank you.

    - You got yourself "ASP.NET 3.5 Social Networking" as your next book for your expertise on Web Development. Amazing track of becoming a professional expert at this field. Really really thank you.

    - You downloaded and printed the two certificates that you earned recently. Thank you very much. I love these two latest achievements. They are amazing. Thank you :)

    - You declined the short-notice meeting for Inshad. Thank you.

    - You handled the argument of Salah against introducing new segments to the meeting very professionally. Thank you very much.

    - You had 2 supplements. Thank you very much.

    - You shared a wonderful quote by Guy Finely through FB. People loved it. Thank you very much.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 79

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit To FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire. "I sleep less and have far more energy"
  4. Purpose for Money:

    - I am able to sky-rocket my own personal growth through the top-notch courses I am capable of taking.

    - I am enjoying the amazing breathtaking places that I am visiting every year. Places very few human beings have visited ever. This is so beautiful.

    - I am enjoying my own woderful mansion and luxurious Lexus. Yes.

    - I am empowering more and more people just by being the wealth harmonious person I am now. Yes.

    - I help those in need on a larger-than-ever scale. Yes Yes Yes
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You went to the gym first thing in the morning and scientifically did the SCT A workout exercises. Thank you very much.

    - You went back and read a very good section from Positive Energy on nutrition. Very very insightful. Thank you.

    - You went to the 70-564 exam and you aced it. Thank you. COMPLETION. Yes Yes Yes!

    - You shared the excitement with the work team. You bought them some chocolate. Thank you very much.

    - You immediately rewarded yourself with some delicious Baking Tray meals. Thank you very much.

    - You lead tonight's TM meeting very professionally. Thank you.

    - You shared the idea of Brain Gym with the guests and members and made them laugh. Thank you.

    - Your dockets system is so close to completion. Yes

    - You had 2 awesome cups of green drinks. Thank you very much.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 78

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I am driving my fabulous wonderous Corvette"
  4. Clarity of Intention:

    "I have over $15,000 a month in passive income" Yes

    I feel so connected to Divinity. I am so blessed, happy, grateful, and in te flow. I can move freely and travel everywhere. I enjoy what I do and I am free. I am so thankful. I am learning at the speed of light. My life is so amazing. Thank you very very much.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You're doing the exercises really really early. Thank you very much.

    - You helped Faisal by translating the guidelines. Thank you.

    - You went to the dentist and had a cleansing session. Taking care of your teeth. Thank you very much

    - You communicated with IT very closely in the process of solving emails not being received. Thank you.

    - You found an alternative solution rather than being stuck at one sticky problem. Thank you very much.

    - Reading another few pages from Bit Literacy. Thank you.

    - 2 Cups of green drinks. Thank you.

    - 2 Supplements. Thank you very much.

    - You happily tested your ECCO GPS locator. Enjoy it. Thank you.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 77

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for financial freedom. Done!
  4. Appreciation and Gratitude:

    - Thank you so much for my awesome clarity of communication. Thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the amazing talent that is reading books in English and extracting and distinguishing the purest honey out of them. Thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for my basing my decisions on values rather than emotions. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for the wisdom of all wise people. I learn from them so much.

    - Thank you SOOOO much for my gym membership. I waking up so alert every day. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Thank you tons and hectares for the power of gratitude. It's the language that the universe speaks. Thank you thank you thank you.

    - Thank you so much for Positive Energy and Judith Orloff. She is helping revitalize my subtle energy systems. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for the amazing productivity tools in Bit Literacy. Thank you Thank you. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for my car that is so liable and great. I love it. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for Dr. Hameed Al-Qaheri. He is such an insprational first-line coach in my academic and personal life. Thank you very much.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the wonderful daily gift that is sunlight which is my alertness boost/jumpstart. Thank you.

    Choose one and describe why it's important:

    I love the gym. I can go there really really early in the morning and start my day with the most alerting and awakening freshness that will take me to the begining of work with the highest level of energy. The water in the swimming pool just washes away all tension and stagnant energy. I love it. Thank you thank you thank you.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You were very clear in terms of saying no to the distraction that is another meeting with A.Amer. I really appreciate your not accepting a forced meeting. Thank you.

    - You had 3 big cups of green drinks. Thank you very much.

    - You went to the gym first thing really early in the morning and had a fabulous swimming session followed by a warm lovely jakoozee sitting. Thank you.

    - You gave your body a power nap to keep up the energy till the end of the day.

    - You read another 3% from Bit Literacy. Total so far is 13%. Thank you.

    - You kept your commitment to read all the questions and you also above that reviewed the marked questions with a second round. Thank you.

    - You prepared this nicely articulated lecture on Nurturing Your Temple. Thank you very much, Abdulrahman. That was really enlightening and fun to hear.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 76

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportvie belief around money and wealth. "Making money is easy and simple"
  4. Act in spite of:

    I will finish all the practice questions for exam 70-564 tomorrow. Yes!
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You read 10% from Bit Litreacy. Thank you very much.

    - You read another 4% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 26%. Thank you very much.

    - You had two big cups of green drinks. Thank you.

    - You took two supplements. Thank you really.

    - You gave your scalp such a soothing massage. Much much appreciated. Thank you.

    -You went to Sheik Abdul Qader's. Very enlightening sessions. Thank you.

    - You shared your marvel around pomegranate in a very poetic way. Really thank you.

    - You were very open and courageous about speaking up your thoughts in the Sheikh gathering. Thank you.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 75

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire. "I am a massive now-habit producer"
  4. References for ability and deservedness:

    - I am a massive excellent money manager. Plan Track Review. JARS all in place. Bookeeping everything and fantastic financial power.

    - I am a frickin' warrior. I will do whatever it takes. I make it a must; my innegotiable standard.

    - Always learning and applying. I am a continuous learner and always at the top of my game.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    -You had 2 cups of green drinks. Thank you.

    - You listened to a very important chapter of The Now Habit.Thank you very much.

    - You woke up really early in the morning to go to the gym and you had a really nice 30-mins swimming session. Thank you.

    - You smiled and greeted fellow swimmers. Thank you.

    - You corrected the misspelling in your gym card. Thank you.

    - You contacted Aramex and checked the status of ECCO. You also gave them constructive feedback on how to maximize customer satisfaction.

    - You aced the second test of MCPD. Really really thank you. I am so proud of you.

    - You rewarded yourself immediately with an extravagant purchase from The Nut Tree. Thank you.

    - You reconnected with TSC friends and had some nice laughs with them.

    - You fixed the attachment upload issue in the docket system. Thank you.

    - You read another 2% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 22%. Thank you very much.

    - You started working on important tasks first thing in the job morning. Really thank you, Mr. Producer :)

Have a restful night!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 74

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I am driving my wonderful awesomest Lexus"
  4. Belief in Value:

    I make things possible. I marry sound business with high-end technology. I am an enabler. I am a solution provider. I make decisions optimal. I enlighten each decision with timely accurate, fast, relevant data. I am an artist who takes pleasure in making logic not only make sense, but also beautiful. I thrive and help the organization thrive on facts-driven intelligence. I am a fantastic team player and an awesome concentrator. Always learning and on the top of my game. Fabulous things happen as soon as I put my mind to something. Yes Yes YEs!
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You're doing the exercises very early in the evening. I really appreciate it. Thank you.

    - You were very clear and open with Ridwan with regard to getting invloved with yet another project. You gave a very diplomatic guilt-free no. Really really thank you. Thank you.

    - You had 2 cups of green drinks. Thank you so much.

    - You registered for the 2 exams left for the MCPD certificate. You're sticking to the plan. Completion is soon. YAY! I am so proud of you. Thank you.

    - You joined in the local gym to start enjoying exercise and swimming daily. I am so happy and grateful for that. Really deeply sincerely happy. Thank you.

    - Giving your scalp yet another soothing massage. Thank you.

    - You reviewed the marked practice questions for tommorow's exam. Thank you.

    - The new version of the dockets tracking system is 90% complete today. Thank you very much.

    - You helped the two foreigners get to road 40. Very noble. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 73

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for financal freedom. Done!
  4. Visualization:

    I am in Fiji with the few elite selected people to be wioth Tony Robbins in this magical spoot in the world> I a mlearning amazing breakthrough experiences and strategies. I am also all absorbed by this gossebumping beauty. I hear the birds singing. The sound of mobing roaring water. I see ducks swimming in the lake This is so amazing. I get an overwhelming sense of calmness ad beauty. My beauty, the universe's beauty.I set in meditation and feel the healing energies around me and the soothing pebbles under my bottom. Thank you Thank you Thank you
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You started making the system adapt to the new requirements of one-person editor of payments. Thank you.

    - You activated the transfering mechanisms between your different jars. Thank you

    - You replied to Kaia openly about your strong memories of AU. Thank you.

    - You're sharing that video of Terry Robinson again. Thank you.

    - You read another 1% from Positive Energy. Totals so far is 17%. Thank you.

    - You bought Duha her art materials and mom bread. Thank you.

    - You volunteered to throw out the trash. Thank you.

    - You had 3 cups of green drinks. Thank you very much.

    - You had the two supplements today. Thank you.

    - You brought the paper from A.Anas and warmly welcomed him back to Kuwait. Thank you.

    - You allowed yourself to rest and rejuvinate as you felt the some tiredness. Thank you very very much.

    - You added your notes from reading Train Smart to the workout illustrations. Thank you.

Have a beautiful night!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 72

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. "Making money is easy and simple"
  4. Purpose for money:

    - I am travelling the world and having the most fabulous of all times every single year around the most enthralling breathtaking gems of natural beauty. Yes.

    - I am spending time with and learning from the best around the world. I have a MASSIVE gigantic education jar that affords me any single course, seminar, event, retreat, resort, training, camp ... etc. I am always on the cutting edge. Yes

    - I own my own enormous goose-bumping masnion and wonderful luxurious Lexus.

    - I have great immeasurable power to inspire others that anything is possible. Yes!

    - I have greater power to help those in need.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You gave your scalp a wonderful soothing massage. Thank you.

    - You had 2 cups of green drinks. Thank you.

    - You kept the regimen of two supplements a day. Thank you.

    - You hydrated very well tonight. Thank you

    - Going to the gym first thing in the morning. Thank you.

    - You gave mom a wonderful power tap neck massage. Really thank you.

    - You listened to a very important section from "The Now Habit". I Choose To! Really really thank you.

    - You got yourself "The Habit Busting" system. Thank you very very much.

    - You shared the awesome link to the all inspiring story of Terry Robinson. Thank you hugely.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 71

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire. "I am wonderously creative and joyous" Yes!
  4. Clarity of Intention:

    "I have over $15,000 a month in passive income"

    I feel joyous, loving, overflowing, creative, blissful, joyful, light, enlightened, connected, Divinely commuting. Thank you for all the gifts. Thank you for everything. I love it. Thank you than you thank you.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You attended the organizational meeting for the Inshad team. Thank you.

    - You eased Duha's illness and helped her by providing lemonade. Thank you

    - You kept your regimen of 2 supplements. Thank you

    - You had 2 cups of green drinks + some lemonade . Thank you

    - You printed the Train Smart static contraction training workout illustrations. Thank you

    - You transcribed the brainstorming session and brought it to the meeting. Thank you.

    - You replie to El'Berk regarding ASHONE. Thank you.

    - You finished the entire record of salaries for September. Thank you.

    - You've just finished week 10 of 13. Completion is close. Yes Yes Yes. Thank you.

    - You updated the marketing message in NREC's website. You couragesouly consulted Faisal about it. Thank you thank you thank you.

    - Adding another Image Streaming session to your fabulous experience. Thank you.

    - You asked for those marvellous wonderful veggie/fresh templates for the new website design. Yes Yes Yes. Thank you from my heart.

Have a magical night! Thank you

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 70

I de-commit from reviewing the questions today.
  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream."I am visiting Fiji three times a year"
  4. Appreciation and Gratitude:

    - Thank you so much for my wonderful speedy typing.

    - Thank you so much for the amazing soothing cleansing medical shampoos I am using.

    - Thank you so much for my iron will to say goodbye to energy vampires.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the new book I got "Positive Energy" by Judith Orloff. Thank you

    - Thank you so very eternally much for the wonerful gift of the news that Amazon is allowing people to buy their products online. Thank you

    - I am so happy and grateful now for my clarity in mind as to what my relationship to Abu El Noor people is.

    - Thank you so much for my amazing reliable lovely Honda. Thank you Thank you thank you.

    - Thank you so mich for the wonderful creatively juicing practice of Image Streaming. Thank you

    - Thank you so much for the completion of ASHONE. I loved the avalanche of subject he wandered around very elegantly and eloquently. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for my awareness, concious breaths, and how deeply I relate to, laugh with, and learn from children.

    - Thank you so much for bringing me to this earth, making me a human, and allowing me to be the best I can. Thank you.

    I am so happy for my awareness and consciousness without which no positive change can happen on this physical plane. Thank you so much for the creative powers and flows you run through me so generously on demand. I love my abilities, my skills, my passions, my talents, my love for this life and the one after it. I am immortal. I am that.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You finished A Short History of Nearly Everything. You did it! Your first book beyond the 500 pages mark. COMPLETION. Yes Yes Yes. Thank you.

    - You read another 5% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 12%. Thank you.

    - You gave a medical massage to your healthy scalp. Thank you Thank you thank you.

    - You kept on taking the supplement. Thank you.

    - You made Omar and Duha laugh repeatedly. Thank you.

    - You conveyed a very effective helpful message through a gift to A.Amer while still confirming the current new nature of your relationship to his gatherings. Thank you.

    - You helped Anas Baq to get back home. Thank you.

    - Giving your brain a delicious Holosync-flavored paraliminal at sleep. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 69

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deosit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for financial freedom. Done.
  4. Act in spite of:

    " I will finish the questions from the practice exam. And revise 40 questions."
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You read another 3% from ASHONE. Total so far is 95%. Very close to completion. Yes Yes Yes. Thank you.

    - You read another 3% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 8%. Thank you.

    - You practiced sensing energy with Duha and had a few good laughs out of it. Thank you

    - You took Omar and Duha to have fun at the beach and in the garden with Khaled and Haya. Thank you

    - You had 2 big cups of green drinks. Thank you.

    - You went to Sheik Abdul Qader and learned so much from it. (The Sudani coffin turban double your height). Very interesting. Thank you

    - You did the wonerful eye-press "see-the-light" exercise and really had fun. Thank you

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 68

1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!

2. Deposit to FFA. Done!

3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth.Done!

4. References for ability and deservedness:

- I am a frickin' warrior. I am proving to myself day after day that I can do whatever it takes. Yes.

- I am an excellent money manager. Trace Track Review. My JARS are perfect. Yes

- I am a continuous learner. Yes!

5. Dear Abdulrahman:

- You have fully completed with A.Amer regarding whether or not you exclusively belong to his agenda. Thank you

- You exercised and laughed with Omar and Duha on the walk track. Thank you.

- You had two big cups of green drinks. Thank you.

- You reviewed half of the attendance data for September. Thank you.

- You bought Positive Energy by Judy Orloff. Thank you.

- You discovered how you can buy kindle books from Amazon. Thank you.

- You read another 2% from ASHONE. Total so far is 92%. Thank you.

- You read 5% from Positive energy. Thank you.

- Giving your scalp a proper massage and shower. Thank you Thank you thank you.

Have a marvellous night!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 67

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done.
  3. VAKS for current of short-term desire. "I fill my day with massive bold action"
  4. Belief in Value:

    I make things seeming impossible possible. I transform so-called "problems" into solutions. I utilize the power of technology to make the organization's decisions optimal based on living breathing meaningful data. I automate processes and help measure, track, and correct them. I make data and information centralized. I am also very talented at marketing. I understand how to convey the message and core values of our team best. I can create stunning promotions and design graphics very intriguingly. I enjoy the process of never-ending growth and learning. I choose to grow and so does the massive value I am capable of providing. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I am a wonderful team player and with my systems see exactly how they are performing. Yes.
  5. Dear Adulrahman:

    - You picked up your new prepaid credit card. Thank you.

    - You checked on the mail and chose a different course of action for the mis-delivered mail. Thank You.

    - You went out and checked two different gyms for you to apply the wonderful findings of Static Contraction. Thank you.

    - You had 2 green drinks today. Thank you.

    - You had the 2 supplements. Thank you.

    - You stopped by Spa & More to ask about their massage nurturing materials. You got alot of insights from the store guy. Thank you.

    - You took 30 of the 83 questions of the practice test for the next exam. Thank you.

    - You revised your knowledge of the smart training material. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    - You remebered to call A.Amer to complete with him. You arranged a meeting tomorrow and asked Ridwan to remind you of the following points:
    * Achievment.
    * Priorities.
    * Vision/Ambition vs. momentary
    * Not meant.
    - You recharged 2 of your AAA batteries for the mp3 player.

    - You replaced the empty battery in the mp3 player to start listening to "The Now Habit" Thank you.

    - You read another 2% from ASHONE book. Total so far is 90%. Yes Yes Yes. Thank you.

    - You greeted Khalil warmly at the gym. Thank you very much.

Have a marvellous night =)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 66

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I go sky-diving with fantastic pictures taken!"
  4. Visualization:

    This is the 4th time this year I go sky-diving. We're in the plane and the great anticipation is building at the speed of light. I check the protective glasses on my head and put them in place. I look through the plane's window into the horizon. I love the free huge sky. And now we arrive at the required altitude. Adn they open the door. I hear all the bashing sounds of the speedy windAnd I jumpI am laughing hysterically because this such an exhilirating freedom. Oh m gGod is all I can think and say. All I can see is the horizon. All I can hear is the melodic harmony of the air passing through my body. Tbank you Thank you Thank you.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You got yourself "The Now Habit" audio book and summary. Great Choice. Thank you.

    - You had 2 cups of green drinks. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    - You contacted IDC Design Corporation regarding your gps gadget. Thank you.

    - You read another 3% of A Short History of Nearly Everything. Total so far is 88%. You began a new chapter. Thank you. Thank you.

    - You reviewed the general guidelines for Image Streaming. Thank you.

    - Planning on doing at least 15 minutes of Image Streaming before going to bed. Thank You.

    - You put 5/7 tracks from "The Now Habit" on your MP3 player to begin listening and applying immediately. Thank you.

    - You're bringing a new battery for the mp3. Thank you.

    - You converted the wonderful chant "Um Mane Padme Hum" into mp3 and put it on your mp3 player. Thank you Thank You Thank You.

Have a marvellous night!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 65

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Financial Freedom. Done!
  4. Purposes for Money:

    - I am free to do the things I love and have the money to pay for other things.

    - I am travelling the world to see as much of it as possible. Never-ending wonders around the world.

    - I am enjoying an intense involvement in high-value, great yield trainings, courses, events, and boot camps. I love it!

    - I have my own mansion and my luxury Lexus. Thank you.

    - I am enjoying greater inspirational power to help everyone who crosses paths with me see they are limitless and can achieve the wonderful life they are looking for. Yes

    Inspiring others has always been my purpose in life. Showing that there's simply no end to what you can be. The only stopping happens on the inside. I feel so empowered and passionate about life. When meeting someone, and feeling their awe, the exchange of energy is simply immeasurable and highly satisfying. Yes Yes Yes.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You headed the Toastmasters meeting tonight very elegantly and enthusiastically. Thank you

    - You took the challenge of handling General Evaluation on top of Table Topics and you managed to make it happen in the best harmony possible. Thank you

    - You presented some really wonderful table topics. Thank you.

    - You had a great 3 cups of green drinks. Thank you.

    - You read 4 pages from your notes for the next exam. Thank you.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 64

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. "Money is Important and Creates Solutions".
  4. Clarity of Intention:

    "I have over $15,000 a month in passive income"

    Describe how you're feeling having this as your reality:

    I feel in the extraordinary zone. I feel positively stretched and comfortable with uncomfortability. I feel loved and overwhelmingly endowed. I feel my infinite nature. I am so grateful and happy now that all courses, things, education, seminars, toys, exotic places, are a few clicks away from me. They are all at my finger tips. Thank you!
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You did your end-of-month closing and re-arrangement of envelopes. Thank you.

    - You wrote 5 innovative table topics for tommorrow's meeting. Thank you

    - You sent out messages to remind two of your friends of the meeting. Thank you.

    - You contacted two members to inquire about their commitment to the program. Thank you.

    - You had 2 big cups of green energetic drinks. Thank you.

    - You kept your 2 daily supplements. Thank you.

    - You're doing the program early in the evening to make it happen more attentively. Thank you.

    - Writing your Year Book letter. Thank you.

    - You made a visit to uni to get in touch with old friends. Thank you.

    - You reviewed half the notes you made about the exam 70-562. Thank you Thank you Thank You.

    - You made several conscious breaths throughout the day. Thank you.

    - You indulged into the image stream when it spontaneously surfaced into your immediate awareness. Yes Yes YEs. Thank you.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 63

I hereby de-commit from the commitment I made with A.Amer 6 or 7 years ago to pray 2 rak3ahs, recite one page, and make thikr every single day.

I also de-commit from the ongoing commitment of attending A.Amer's weekly gathering unless I give out my word for him on a specific week.
  1. Attiudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I am enjoying my own luxurious Lexus"
  4. Appreciation & Gratitude:

    - Thank you so much for the amazing group of people in our Inshad team. I love the harmonious success energy that is always there when we are together.

    - Thank you so much for my amazing perseverence and for my awareness of choice to de-commit clearly of things I am no longer willing to be commited to. I have a choice. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for my wonderful voice. I can use it to convey wonderful messages and touch hearts to do good. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for my amazing car. I love it and I take wonderful care of it. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for the skill of brainstorming. Generates lots of wonderful solutions and ideas.

    - Thank you so much for Holosync. I love it and its full amazing nutrition for my brain and heart. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for the guidace and friendship of Miss Dorothy. I love how her love is SO unconditional and she is one gem of a professor. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for Image Streaming. I love how my concious mind is so much more widely open to creative flow from the other-than-conscious. Lovely amazing imagery.

    - Thank you so much for my perseverance to study and finish the MCPD curriculum. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for the great Portable Media Player I have. So versatile and enables me to listen to world music and Holosync. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    Image streaming makes me feel infinite. I have no limits. I love the greatness and quickness of enriching my perception of the stream. I feel so spacious and creative. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You finished week 9 of 13. You are such a warrior. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    - You have kept your commitment of finishing the 70-562 exam study books. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for every conscious breath you take and release. Thank you.

    - You had 2 big cups of green drinks. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    - You took the supplements twice. Thank you.

    - You were a 100% in the meeting today. You got involved with all your creativity. Thank you.

    - You kept your commitment to help your mom in '3aseel. Thank you.

    - You practiced your awareness in terms of choosing your commitments consciously. Thank you, Abdulrahman

See you tomorrow. Good Night :-)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 62

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations.Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire. "I am enjoying a wonderful ongoing creative flow"
  4. Act in spite of:

    I will finish the next book in the MCPD tomorrow.

  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You went to your Inshad meeting. Thank you.

    - You said No to the invitation to teach kids and is willing to keep your decline to foucus on other purposes. Thank you.

    - You had 3 big cups of green drinks. Very vibrant. Thank you.

    - You gave your scalp a refreshing lemon massage. YAY ^_^ Thank you

    - You went to the airport to "goodbye" Salam.

    - You participated actively in the meeting and gave awesome suggestions. Thank you. Thank you Thank you.

    - You took the name of the amazing Turkish artist Dervisave after you heard a part of his CD.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 61

I de-commit from the deadlines for today I reframe them to Oct. 10 2009

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Financial Freedom. Done!
  4. References for Ability and Desservedness:

    - I am an excellent money manager. I pay myself first and I make bookkeeping, planning, budgeting, tracking, saving, a very high innigotiable priority. Yes.

    - I am a continuous learner. Always at the edge of my ability, skills, and powers. And I learn from the best. Yes

    - I am a frickin' warrior. I make things happen. Yes YEs Yes
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You went to your dentist appointment early in the morning. Thank you.

    - You woke up early and are shifting to the early morning rise time. Thank you.

    - You used your long drive time to the dentist to train your observation power and describe out aloud things that you see around you.

    - You challenged yourself to remeber the way to that very distant clinic location without help from the doctor after only being there for two times. And you did it ;-) Thank you.

    - Sent out Ahmad Gamal's account for the dashboard. Thank you.

    - You deleted extra (testing) data from the online DB. Thank you

    - You watched M. Al-Awadi's debate with an athiest. Thank you.

    - You went to Toastmasters Presidents' meeting and contributed to it fully and courageously. Thank you.

    - Shared your first two verses of poetry with Rania. Thank you.

    - Practicing the art of capturing your thoughts immediately. Thank you.

    - Read about 11:11 and saw the exact phenomenon on the expiry date of your suppliment. WOW!

Good Good Night ;-)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 60

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportive belief around wealth and money. "Money is a massive provider for wonderful solutions"
  4. Belief in Value:

    I am a massive solution-provider through technology. I make decision making an easier process with the help of timely, accurate, relevant, and elegantly-represented data. I centeralize the data storage. I re-define a problem in terms of the steps needed to transform it into a solution. I am a team player. I keep my commitments. I am also wonderfully equipped with computer arts for marketing and asthetic purposes. I can make stunning promotion materials. Yes Yes YEs. Add to all of that a extreme love for continuous learning and you have a team player that is always harmoniously growing.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You added an 11-minute session of Image Streaming to your collective experience. Thank you.

    - You generated the excel report from all the data you have and very elegantly added some neat colorations.

    - You invited Ahmad to eat with you. And you asked how his health has been. Thank you.

    - You have listened to Duha and gave her formless attention. You let her be. Thank you.

    - You have shifted to a morning person by sleeping really early in the evening. Thank you.

    - Upon sleeping for really this long, you have physically de-commited from the commitment of last day. Thank you for completing physically and not allowing incomplete energy.

    - You got the wonderful magical musical album of Owl City named "Ocean Eyes". What a dance forcer!

    - You took 1 big cup of green drinks. Thank you.

    - You kept the practice of taking 2 hair suppliments a day. Thank you.

    - You are wonderful. Thank you.

I hereby physically de-commit from yesterday's deadline for writing intros for 30 articles and reframe it to today (Oct. 1).

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 59

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire. "I am a frickin' enlightened warrior"
  4. Visualization:

    - I am hearing the mesmerizing roar of the Niagara waterfall. It's my third time here this year, and I feel so lovingly joyous. It's amazingly beautiful. I see this fascinating blend of frothy white with sky-blue going downwards in sheer vigor. I feel the gentle splash of friendly water droplets on my face contiuously providing coolness and skin vitality. I see the wonderful brightness of the scene and connect to the Creator. Thank yu Thank you Thank you
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - I finished all the delivery notes on my desk. Speed is sexy YAY!

    - I gave my scalp a fresh soothing massage. Yes Yes Yes

    - I bought supplements and medical anti-sebum shampoo in A+ self-care. Yes

    - I contacted the IDC Design Corporation to inform them about the delay and arrival of the unit I sent them back.

    - Attempted to help Anas get a Microwave for himself. Did my best. Yes

    - Doing the Image Streaming session before going to bed.

    - Watched more than half the documentary "Living Luminaries on The Serious Business of Happiness". And I love it.

    -Connecting with old friends from AU. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Connected with the only medical doctor/pranic healer here in Kuwait to arrange some energising sessions. YAY!

    - Loosned up and danced freely to some great songs by Owl City. Dance as though no one is watching. Yes YEs Yes!

    - I keep on doing this despite the "inconvenience". Yes

Thank you Thank you Thank You

Monday, September 28, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 58

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I am enjoying my luxurious Lexus"
  4. Purpose for Money:

    - I enjoy travelling the world and observing the most miraculous of places. I love the green energy anywhere it comes from.

    - I am enjoying the freedom to learn from the finest minds and spirits in this world. All courses, seminars, events, personal growth adventures are available to me. No exception. And here's the bonus, I have a lifetime to live by the best of those teachings and apply those learnings.

    - I own my own luxurious Lexus and mansion. Yes Yes Yes

    - I am enjoying the power I have to empower others. I can speak with more credibility because I am a living example that you can be what you desire to be.

    - I have a lot of freedom and choice to pursue more hobby-like interests, musical instruments, and new languages. Yes Yes Yes

    Learning and education is of such importance that I have embraced allocating 10% of whatever comes in to just that. I expand my horizons and I always know there's more room for better performance and higher results. Yes! I feel grateful to know God has not set a ceiling that I would hit in terms of my evolution and development. I feel blessed to be on the journey upwards whereas many others around the world are choosing otherwise. Thank you thank you thank you.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You've added another 14 minutes to your overall Image Streaming experience. Thank you.

    - You've finished over 15 notes in the August overall analysis. Thank you.

    - You've payed a wonderful visit to Miss Dorothy and had a wonderful chat with her (as ever). I love the analogy of negativity as a fly flying around and how some people obsess about it, the analogy of wearing lead boots when you add an extra layer of measury and beat yourself up when you feel sadness, and the analogy of the cosmic eggshell which you begin to crack out of when you raise your consciousness and awareness.

    - You've recorded things you loved about the conversation. Thank you.

    - I appreciate you having 2 big cups of green drinks. Thank you.

    - I appreciate your hydration habit. Very very healthy. Thank you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 57

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!

  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!

  3. VAKS for financial freedom. Done!

  4. Clarity of Intention:

    "I have over $15,000 a month in passive income"

    With this as my reality, I feel that I have truly resembled to a great extent what the progress towards my full potential looks like. I feel free to travel abroad and roam much more places around the world than before. I love the blessings of having more time to take courses, learn, and spend more time on arts, music, and hobbies. Thank you thank you thank you. I am so happy and grateful now that this is my reality.

  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You kept your commitment to write intros for 30 articles by today. Thank you.

    - You added another 15 mins to your images streaming experiences today. Thank you.

    - You drank 3 big cups of green drinks. Green Green Green. Thank you.

    - You finished over 20 delivery notes in the Aug analysis. Thank you.

    - You helped Ahmad learn how to use the system and you fixed the date issue. Yes YEs YEs.

    - You took a short late nap after work. Thank you.

    - This is the begining of week 9 out of 13. Yay I love your commitment.

Have a marvellous night!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 56

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. " Having a lot of money strenghtens my spirituality and Divine connection"
  4. Appreciation and Gatitude:

    - Thank you so much for my awesome sense of humor. The amazing flow that you channel through me makes laughter such a delightful joy.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the amazing discovery of image streaming. I am increasing my connection to this creative flow more and more every day. Thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the amazing skill of touch typing. I can finish SO many many things alot faster than before.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the wonderful gift of my friends and brothers with A.Amer. Thank you specifically for Ridwan. He makes me laugh healingly like no one else in the world.

    - Thank you so much for the trait that I have and the habit of blessing someone to have more of the things I like in his life. "Bless that which you desire" I love that. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for my Enlightened Warrior traits that are flowering in me. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for Youtube. I can watch my favourite speakers and authors and keep up with all the latest human conscousness developments. Yes

    - I am so happy and grateful now for Garry Ryan Blair. His program Start Fast Finish Strong is already creating remarkable changes in my life. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    - I am always every happy and grateful for my lovely reliable great Honda Accord car. I take great care of it as if was my bride. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Thank you so much for Islam. The essence of its teachings are the greatest path to everlasting happiness. Planning for the future both short-term and long-term (hereafter). Yes Yes Yes.

    - Thank you very much for the awesome job that I have. Thank you for the independance and also all the challenges that always lead me to greater plains of skill and mastery. Yes Yes YEs

    Choose one and describe how it makes you feel:

    Islam makes me feel as a valued human being. I feel so blessed to have known that I am not exactly a mortal being, that after this life (which will be filled with accomplishments, joy, and fulfillment as Islam teaches), I already have a plan for what to do. I am not just a 80- or 90- or 100-years being. I am who I am on the day of my death and forever from there on. I am so grateful for this realization and all its eye-opening implications.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - I am so grateful now that you have kept your commitment to get your domain and hosting. Thank you.

    - I appreciate you keeping your commitment of not going back to bed after 6:30

    - You went to visit Anas and congratulate him for the new house and his marriage.

    - You drove your friends their.

    - You remembered to take the gift with you.

    - You brought the suits from laundry.

    - You sang and chanted a wonderful song for Anas to celebrate his happy occassion.

    - You shared the stunning discovery of stereograms with Khalti, Ammar, and Rasha. You made them spend a really joyful time figuring the whole thing out. Yes Yes Yes.

    - You're taking the 100 day challenge seriously. Thank you

Friday, September 25, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 55

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire. "I am a freakin' powerful warrior"
  4. Act in spite of:

    " I will register my domain and hosting for the adsense treasure content"

    "I will leave bed before 6:30 am tomorrow and won't come back to it until night"
  5. Dear Abdulrahman :

    - Thank you for reading over 35 pages for your next MCPD exam. Total so far is 890 (That's 89% YAY :-)

    - Thank you so much for going to your Inshad training. That was very delightful and enjoyable.

    -Thank you for precisely keeping your commitment about what time you were going to pick up Ridwan.

    - Thank you so much for having 3 big cups of green drinks and being aware for more deep breaths during the day.

    - Thank you for endulging and sharing that heart-healing laugh with Omar and Mom when you arabized the word "one millionth" :D

    - Thank you so much for sharing your knowledg with regard to power walking with Ridwan, Ibrahim, Ahmad, and Mahmoud.

Much Love, dear.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 54

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I Enjoy My Own Mansion in Qura Al Asad" Done!
  4. References for Ability and Deservedness:

    - I am an excellent money-manager. I always follow the three pillars of the Financial Management universe: Plan, Trace, Track. I have my own purchased Money management software. And I always pay myself first. I am also very open and receptive to what the universe has to offer me.

    - I am a freakin' Warrior and I will do whatever it takes. I know that now from being in the program and with it for this long. I take a no-matter-what approach to the things I set my mind to.

    - I am a growing expanding continuous learner. Always on the edge of my skills and knowledge horizons. I am a massive value provider.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - Thank you for changing you car's oil despite not feeling like it. You take such a great care of your lovely car.

    - Thank you so much for taking the laundry back and putting a new set to be "laundered"

    - Thank you so much for doing over 25 minutes of Image Streaming today. Your creative flow is growing its connection to your conscious mind every day.

    - Thank you so much for having 3 big cups of green drinks today. You're such a vibrantly healthy guy :-)

    - Thank you so much for completing the massive action plan for your first goal in the 100 day challenge.

    - Thank you so much for doing your best in fixing Al-Rai's laptop.

    - Thank you so much for helping your dad and consulting him with regard to the specs of the laptop he should buy for Salam. I appreciate that :-)

    - I am so happy and grateful now that you have contacted Dr. Healer with regard to taking some sessions with him as part of your Play items for this month (and the next) Yes Yes Yes!

    - Thank you so much for the message you are sending to your sister to say good bye to her. Yes

Have a marvellous Night! Take care :-)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 53

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for financial freedom. Done!
  4. Belief in Value:

    I am a solution manufacturer. I take a "problem" and define it in terms of the steps required to transform it. In the process of my innovative problem-solving, I utilize the latest centrelaized, data-driven, decision-support systems. Highly efficient and very fast, timely, and accurate. I provide it in a platform accessible to everyone, since it is web-based, and I also enrich it with the wonderful set of attractive interactive, time-saving, eye-catching web components and controls (out of which I have purchased the best for my development efforts). On top of that, I'm taking graphics design as a professional double major. And so any time a marketing promotion needs to be stunning, I'm your man. Yes Yes Yes. Combine all of that with continuous learning, and a concentration/patience of steel, and you have all the value you can get and more from a tech-savvy teammate. Thank you.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - Thank you so much for a very interesting read in A Short History of Nearly Everything. Reading about DNA is really eye-opening. Total so far is 85%. Yes Yes Yes

    - Thank you a lot for finishing about 25 delivery sheets in your retail stores analysis.

    - Thank you very much for your intention and absolute commitment to taking the 100 days challenge. Starting tomorrow.

    - Thanks a million for drinking 2 big cups of green drinks, one of them being the first thing in the morning.

    - Thank you so much for getting back into your habit of ultra-hydration after Ramadan. Yes Yes Yes.

    - I am so happy and grateful to you now for re-charging your mobile plan with 5 KD so that you always stay connected.

    - This is day 53. You are a man of your word, Abdul. Yes Yes Yes

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 52

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!

  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!

  3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. "Money Does Provide Enormous Solutions"

  4. Visualization:

    I see myself on a cruise to the caribean on this huge gigantic cruise ship with all the wonderful amazing luxuries I could iagine. I smell the amazing breezing fresh air that glides by my face as the swift ship moves along. I see the crystal clear waters of this amabreathtaking area. I walk accross to the swimming pool wich is olympic-sized and so attractive. I roam around in all directions and I can't cover the entirety of this spaciousness. I enter a very big big library hall in which I find my passion for books beaming with power. I find things -that if I allowed myself- would keep me busy for years to come. I love the place. I have my own suite with a double bedroom and all the classy chandliers and luminiscent lights. Very romantic and calming. I touch the velvety cover of my bed and breath in "Thank you Universe!"

  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - Thank you for really being a 1000% mind/body and soul into today's exercise.

    - Thank you very much for this awesome A+ self-care.

    - Thank you very much for having 2 big cups of green drinks.

    - Thank you very much for making people who visited you really laugh from the depth of their hearts. Your sense of humor is a gracious gift from Divinity. Yes!

    - Thank you very much for sharing and put up the challenge of the last 100 days. Very uplifting and forward-propelling.

    - Thank you for sharing one of Al-Mustafa's (Peace be upon him) Hadiths with the family for the intention of sharing knowledge.

    - You've shared a lot of your knowledge, and also, at the same time, you listened and gave way to others to express their feelings and opinions. Awesome harmony. Yes Yes Yes!

    - Focused on green tea and two cups of that

Have a marvellacious night. Much much love, Abdul.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 51

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire."I have more than 500 friends on Facebook"
  4. Purpose for Money:

    - I am living the amazing freedom to learn new languages, musical instruments, and awesome hobbies. There's enough time for all of that and the rest is also spent in things that I love.

    - I am travelling to the most exotic of places and loving how great God's creation is. Very inspiring, breathtaking, and breath-stealing. Connected to nature and observing it's Creator.

    - I am learning from the best to keep taking my life to the highest of levels in terms of awareness, skills, health, achievement, harmoniousness, love, realtionships, gratitude and everything. I can take any course or seminar that manages to appear on the surface of this planet and sincerely promise results.

    - I love the power that I embrace as I allow more and more wealth to come to me. I can help much much more people now that I am financially free. I can inspire all of them to become like me if they desire so.

    - I own my own amazing mansion along with my own masterpiece Lexus car. Yes Yes Yes

    Focus on one of these and describe why it's important and how it's making you feel:

    Nature has always been the favorite gift I have from Gaia. I love the tranquility and stillness it brings about in me. My true essence is reflected and manifested in the delicate beauty of the oceans, waterfalls, flowers, plains, mountains, and creatures. I love the fact that there's always more to see. It makes me feel connection to the Divine and sends me back with the most unexpressable feeling of refreshing delight. I come back with the greatest desire to be more, do more, and have more. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
  5. My awesome successes for today:

    - Had a great lunch and reunion with friends from CBA. Also, got to make new great friends who are friends of my friends.

    - Practiced innovative attentive listening while Rania and Ahmad were describing there interests and passions. I listened as if the person was the only person in the world. My interruptions were almost none. Yes Yes Yes :-) Her story about the amazing entanglement with her twin regarding their mood and when his tooth got punched.

    - I had one big cup of green drinks

    - I shared the reward we will be giving at our next TM meeting.

    - I befriended Rania and Ahmad on FB to stay connected.

    - I finished week 7 and am well into week 8. Yes Yes Yes.

    - I have gone over 250 friends on facebook. That's over 50% of my original goal of 500. Yes Yes Yes

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 50

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I am enjoying my own luxorious Lexus" Yes!
  4. Clarity of Intention:

    " I have over $15,000 a month in passive income"

    How I feel having this as my reality:

    I feel very enlightened and connected to the First and Ultimate Giver. I love the generosity of God. I feel empowered to do what I love to do. I feel the love from Heaven engulfing me. I am so happy and grateful now that I live in my own amazing mansion" Thank you so much. Yes
  5. My wonderful Successes for today:

    - I went to Eid prayer and greeted people I didn't know presently and warmly just for the sake of spreading the love and gratitude.

    - I sent out messages that of warm greetings of Eid to many many of my friends and relatives.

    - I made the majority of people sitting in the family gathering today laugh wholeheartedly. Yes Yes and Thank you.

    - I played bowling and re-discovered the secret to striking right at the middle.

    - I had two big cups of green drinks. Yes Yes Yes.

    - I went very playful with Haya the cutest and had tons of fun.

    - I shared with Khalti the importance of diaphram breathing to a healthy life and getting rid of migrane.

    - I kept 4 of the 5 prayers in time.

    - I allowed Omar to share his nice songs on his PSP with us through my car's sound system.

    - I played volley ball with Ammar, foot-basket-ball with Ahmad, Humam, and Ibrahim to increase my healthy blood circulation.

    - I took Abu Humam's number from Khalo so that I keep in touch with him more often. Yes.