Saturday, October 17, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 77

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for financial freedom. Done!
  4. Appreciation and Gratitude:

    - Thank you so much for my awesome clarity of communication. Thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the amazing talent that is reading books in English and extracting and distinguishing the purest honey out of them. Thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for my basing my decisions on values rather than emotions. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for the wisdom of all wise people. I learn from them so much.

    - Thank you SOOOO much for my gym membership. I waking up so alert every day. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Thank you tons and hectares for the power of gratitude. It's the language that the universe speaks. Thank you thank you thank you.

    - Thank you so much for Positive Energy and Judith Orloff. She is helping revitalize my subtle energy systems. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for the amazing productivity tools in Bit Literacy. Thank you Thank you. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for my car that is so liable and great. I love it. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for Dr. Hameed Al-Qaheri. He is such an insprational first-line coach in my academic and personal life. Thank you very much.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the wonderful daily gift that is sunlight which is my alertness boost/jumpstart. Thank you.

    Choose one and describe why it's important:

    I love the gym. I can go there really really early in the morning and start my day with the most alerting and awakening freshness that will take me to the begining of work with the highest level of energy. The water in the swimming pool just washes away all tension and stagnant energy. I love it. Thank you thank you thank you.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You were very clear in terms of saying no to the distraction that is another meeting with A.Amer. I really appreciate your not accepting a forced meeting. Thank you.

    - You had 3 big cups of green drinks. Thank you very much.

    - You went to the gym first thing really early in the morning and had a fabulous swimming session followed by a warm lovely jakoozee sitting. Thank you.

    - You gave your body a power nap to keep up the energy till the end of the day.

    - You read another 3% from Bit Literacy. Total so far is 13%. Thank you.

    - You kept your commitment to read all the questions and you also above that reviewed the marked questions with a second round. Thank you.

    - You prepared this nicely articulated lecture on Nurturing Your Temple. Thank you very much, Abdulrahman. That was really enlightening and fun to hear.

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