Friday, October 9, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 69

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deosit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for financial freedom. Done.
  4. Act in spite of:

    " I will finish the questions from the practice exam. And revise 40 questions."
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You read another 3% from ASHONE. Total so far is 95%. Very close to completion. Yes Yes Yes. Thank you.

    - You read another 3% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 8%. Thank you.

    - You practiced sensing energy with Duha and had a few good laughs out of it. Thank you

    - You took Omar and Duha to have fun at the beach and in the garden with Khaled and Haya. Thank you

    - You had 2 big cups of green drinks. Thank you.

    - You went to Sheik Abdul Qader and learned so much from it. (The Sudani coffin turban double your height). Very interesting. Thank you

    - You did the wonerful eye-press "see-the-light" exercise and really had fun. Thank you

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