Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nov. 4, 2009

Dear Abdulrahman:
  1. You went to the gym first thing in the morning to exercise your body. Thank you.
  2. You were very flexible in shifting from swimming (which wasn't practical without changing clothes) to treadmill running. Thank you.
  3. You had FOUR cups of green drinks today. Really really amazing alertness. Thank you so very much, dear.
  4. You read another 3% from Positive Energy. Total so far is 70%. Thank you so very much.
  5. You added the company's logo to the printout feature. Thank you very much.
  6. You locked the printout version to prevent anyone from messing out with it. Thank you very much.
  7. You solved the several issues that rised today with the system and persevered through them very deligently. Thank you.
  8. You had an insightful session with Dr. Buti. Thank you very much.
  9. You read a major part of this amazing book "Head First Design Patterns" and you are already in love with every beaming page of it. You're learning SO much from it at the speed of light and wish you could not leave it until you're done with it. EXtremely engaging. Thank you for this amazing choice. Thank you.

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