Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nov. 8, 2009

Dear Abdulrahman:

  1. You are still continuing with the great positive supportive habbit of VAKS and FFA deposits. Thank you very much.
  2. You had 2 cups of green drinks to keep alkalized. Thank you so very much.
  3. You've been hydrating very very well today. Thank you bunches.
  4. You finished 2 very insightful amazing Design Patterns today: the command pattern and the adapter pattern. Very very useful and proffesional knowledge you're investig your time in. Thank you very very much.
  5. You watched the third lecture in the Games People Play series and got introduced, among many, to the great tools of Game Tree and Nash Equilibrium. Thank you very much.
  6. Tested whether the payment requests are going to the ops director when they are required to. Thank you very much.
  7. Adding another fruitful Image Streaming session to your arsenal of bridging your two hemispheres. Thank you deeply and sincerely.
  8. Reinforced the first lesson on Dvorak layout and started learning the second lesson ( PY FG ). Thank you very very much.

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