I wonder if one day, I wake up and all I need to do before I go outside is to push a button for all the morning routines to be performed. Quite a stretched thought, but that's what the "Digital Convergence" trend will lead us to if it continues to go on forever. Digital Convergence is "the technological trend whereby a variety of different digital devices such as televisions, mobile telephones, and now refrigerators are merging into a multi-use communications appliance employing common software to communicate through the Internet" [source]. It's very intriguing that as time passes by more and more functions are performed by fewer and fewer number of devices until we reach the degree that we only need one or two devices to perform most of our daily tasks.
It's like the humorous definition of an expert; "Someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know nothing." Electronic devices are surprisingly becoming experts on serving us! And I think mobile social networking or "Mobile Storytelling" is only one aspect of this huge phenomenon. When someone uses his mobile phone to report something, it's only one use of the multiple converging functions the device is increasingly possessing. Camera, calendar, browser, music player, voice recorder, planner, GPS locator, alarm ... and a phone all in one.
So I have to wonder; would that affect the quality of each individual service or function the mobile phone has as the number increases? In other words, if the number of functions is the denomenator, would that decrease the individual quality of each service? Maybe .. maybe not. I don't know!
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