Picture taken from www.asiamediasoft.net
With the web 2.0 applications being very well-established with websites like Youtube, Myspace and Facebook, one has to wonder what is the next big thing? If there is gonna be a Web 3.0, what would it look like? From what I read, it seems to me that there is gonna be a huge contrast between the way web 2.0 content is presented and the way web 3.0 content is gonna be.
More free content in 2.0, but less shared content in 3.0. Many issues about privacy in 2.0, but fewer issues in 3.0 since it is expected to have more strict policies and restrictions to quite the huge amount of privacy fears present in nowadays social networking sites. When marketing companies are getting into the picture to try to take advantage of the abundance of personal information available on those sites, users are freaked out and many people actually delete their accounts or never create ones.
The huge openness of the web 2.0 reflected by sharing very personal stories, appointments and media is being ardently questioned by analysts. How far could you go on trusting that what this person is telling you is accurate or just totally made up? No one can tell and it's not very easy to tell. Personally, I don't completely trust the profile unless I personally know the person in real life because, again, there's no way for me to tell. Maybe web 3.0 developers could do something about this .. Who knows?
Let's hope web 3.0 doesn't come out too soon or we will be the only generation with embarrassing pictures floating around the internet. That won't be too good for our job searching. It is interesting to watch the internet evolve in our time.
I agree with Brain...with everything moving so fast, our generation has already been first in a lot of things, if everything keeps moving much faster we're going to be having a lot more firsts, and more embarressing pictures, and goodness know what else
My brother is at the Web 2.0 Expo right now and we actually had a long conversation about Web 3.0. You should take a look at the expo site and consider going to the one in NYC this September.
Google WEB 2.0 Expo!!!
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