Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 60

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportive belief around wealth and money. "Money is a massive provider for wonderful solutions"
  4. Belief in Value:

    I am a massive solution-provider through technology. I make decision making an easier process with the help of timely, accurate, relevant, and elegantly-represented data. I centeralize the data storage. I re-define a problem in terms of the steps needed to transform it into a solution. I am a team player. I keep my commitments. I am also wonderfully equipped with computer arts for marketing and asthetic purposes. I can make stunning promotion materials. Yes Yes YEs. Add to all of that a extreme love for continuous learning and you have a team player that is always harmoniously growing.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You added an 11-minute session of Image Streaming to your collective experience. Thank you.

    - You generated the excel report from all the data you have and very elegantly added some neat colorations.

    - You invited Ahmad to eat with you. And you asked how his health has been. Thank you.

    - You have listened to Duha and gave her formless attention. You let her be. Thank you.

    - You have shifted to a morning person by sleeping really early in the evening. Thank you.

    - Upon sleeping for really this long, you have physically de-commited from the commitment of last day. Thank you for completing physically and not allowing incomplete energy.

    - You got the wonderful magical musical album of Owl City named "Ocean Eyes". What a dance forcer!

    - You took 1 big cup of green drinks. Thank you.

    - You kept the practice of taking 2 hair suppliments a day. Thank you.

    - You are wonderful. Thank you.

I hereby physically de-commit from yesterday's deadline for writing intros for 30 articles and reframe it to today (Oct. 1).

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 59

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire. "I am a frickin' enlightened warrior"
  4. Visualization:

    - I am hearing the mesmerizing roar of the Niagara waterfall. It's my third time here this year, and I feel so lovingly joyous. It's amazingly beautiful. I see this fascinating blend of frothy white with sky-blue going downwards in sheer vigor. I feel the gentle splash of friendly water droplets on my face contiuously providing coolness and skin vitality. I see the wonderful brightness of the scene and connect to the Creator. Thank yu Thank you Thank you
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - I finished all the delivery notes on my desk. Speed is sexy YAY!

    - I gave my scalp a fresh soothing massage. Yes Yes Yes

    - I bought supplements and medical anti-sebum shampoo in A+ self-care. Yes

    - I contacted the IDC Design Corporation to inform them about the delay and arrival of the unit I sent them back.

    - Attempted to help Anas get a Microwave for himself. Did my best. Yes

    - Doing the Image Streaming session before going to bed.

    - Watched more than half the documentary "Living Luminaries on The Serious Business of Happiness". And I love it.

    -Connecting with old friends from AU. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Connected with the only medical doctor/pranic healer here in Kuwait to arrange some energising sessions. YAY!

    - Loosned up and danced freely to some great songs by Owl City. Dance as though no one is watching. Yes YEs Yes!

    - I keep on doing this despite the "inconvenience". Yes

Thank you Thank you Thank You

Monday, September 28, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 58

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I am enjoying my luxurious Lexus"
  4. Purpose for Money:

    - I enjoy travelling the world and observing the most miraculous of places. I love the green energy anywhere it comes from.

    - I am enjoying the freedom to learn from the finest minds and spirits in this world. All courses, seminars, events, personal growth adventures are available to me. No exception. And here's the bonus, I have a lifetime to live by the best of those teachings and apply those learnings.

    - I own my own luxurious Lexus and mansion. Yes Yes Yes

    - I am enjoying the power I have to empower others. I can speak with more credibility because I am a living example that you can be what you desire to be.

    - I have a lot of freedom and choice to pursue more hobby-like interests, musical instruments, and new languages. Yes Yes Yes

    Learning and education is of such importance that I have embraced allocating 10% of whatever comes in to just that. I expand my horizons and I always know there's more room for better performance and higher results. Yes! I feel grateful to know God has not set a ceiling that I would hit in terms of my evolution and development. I feel blessed to be on the journey upwards whereas many others around the world are choosing otherwise. Thank you thank you thank you.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You've added another 14 minutes to your overall Image Streaming experience. Thank you.

    - You've finished over 15 notes in the August overall analysis. Thank you.

    - You've payed a wonderful visit to Miss Dorothy and had a wonderful chat with her (as ever). I love the analogy of negativity as a fly flying around and how some people obsess about it, the analogy of wearing lead boots when you add an extra layer of measury and beat yourself up when you feel sadness, and the analogy of the cosmic eggshell which you begin to crack out of when you raise your consciousness and awareness.

    - You've recorded things you loved about the conversation. Thank you.

    - I appreciate you having 2 big cups of green drinks. Thank you.

    - I appreciate your hydration habit. Very very healthy. Thank you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 57

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!

  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!

  3. VAKS for financial freedom. Done!

  4. Clarity of Intention:

    "I have over $15,000 a month in passive income"

    With this as my reality, I feel that I have truly resembled to a great extent what the progress towards my full potential looks like. I feel free to travel abroad and roam much more places around the world than before. I love the blessings of having more time to take courses, learn, and spend more time on arts, music, and hobbies. Thank you thank you thank you. I am so happy and grateful now that this is my reality.

  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - You kept your commitment to write intros for 30 articles by today. Thank you.

    - You added another 15 mins to your images streaming experiences today. Thank you.

    - You drank 3 big cups of green drinks. Green Green Green. Thank you.

    - You finished over 20 delivery notes in the Aug analysis. Thank you.

    - You helped Ahmad learn how to use the system and you fixed the date issue. Yes YEs YEs.

    - You took a short late nap after work. Thank you.

    - This is the begining of week 9 out of 13. Yay I love your commitment.

Have a marvellous night!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 56

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. " Having a lot of money strenghtens my spirituality and Divine connection"
  4. Appreciation and Gatitude:

    - Thank you so much for my awesome sense of humor. The amazing flow that you channel through me makes laughter such a delightful joy.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the amazing discovery of image streaming. I am increasing my connection to this creative flow more and more every day. Thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the amazing skill of touch typing. I can finish SO many many things alot faster than before.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the wonderful gift of my friends and brothers with A.Amer. Thank you specifically for Ridwan. He makes me laugh healingly like no one else in the world.

    - Thank you so much for the trait that I have and the habit of blessing someone to have more of the things I like in his life. "Bless that which you desire" I love that. Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for my Enlightened Warrior traits that are flowering in me. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for Youtube. I can watch my favourite speakers and authors and keep up with all the latest human conscousness developments. Yes

    - I am so happy and grateful now for Garry Ryan Blair. His program Start Fast Finish Strong is already creating remarkable changes in my life. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    - I am always every happy and grateful for my lovely reliable great Honda Accord car. I take great care of it as if was my bride. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Thank you so much for Islam. The essence of its teachings are the greatest path to everlasting happiness. Planning for the future both short-term and long-term (hereafter). Yes Yes Yes.

    - Thank you very much for the awesome job that I have. Thank you for the independance and also all the challenges that always lead me to greater plains of skill and mastery. Yes Yes YEs

    Choose one and describe how it makes you feel:

    Islam makes me feel as a valued human being. I feel so blessed to have known that I am not exactly a mortal being, that after this life (which will be filled with accomplishments, joy, and fulfillment as Islam teaches), I already have a plan for what to do. I am not just a 80- or 90- or 100-years being. I am who I am on the day of my death and forever from there on. I am so grateful for this realization and all its eye-opening implications.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - I am so grateful now that you have kept your commitment to get your domain and hosting. Thank you.

    - I appreciate you keeping your commitment of not going back to bed after 6:30

    - You went to visit Anas and congratulate him for the new house and his marriage.

    - You drove your friends their.

    - You remembered to take the gift with you.

    - You brought the suits from laundry.

    - You sang and chanted a wonderful song for Anas to celebrate his happy occassion.

    - You shared the stunning discovery of stereograms with Khalti, Ammar, and Rasha. You made them spend a really joyful time figuring the whole thing out. Yes Yes Yes.

    - You're taking the 100 day challenge seriously. Thank you

Friday, September 25, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 55

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire. "I am a freakin' powerful warrior"
  4. Act in spite of:

    " I will register my domain and hosting for the adsense treasure content"

    "I will leave bed before 6:30 am tomorrow and won't come back to it until night"
  5. Dear Abdulrahman :

    - Thank you for reading over 35 pages for your next MCPD exam. Total so far is 890 (That's 89% YAY :-)

    - Thank you so much for going to your Inshad training. That was very delightful and enjoyable.

    -Thank you for precisely keeping your commitment about what time you were going to pick up Ridwan.

    - Thank you so much for having 3 big cups of green drinks and being aware for more deep breaths during the day.

    - Thank you for endulging and sharing that heart-healing laugh with Omar and Mom when you arabized the word "one millionth" :D

    - Thank you so much for sharing your knowledg with regard to power walking with Ridwan, Ibrahim, Ahmad, and Mahmoud.

Much Love, dear.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 54

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I Enjoy My Own Mansion in Qura Al Asad" Done!
  4. References for Ability and Deservedness:

    - I am an excellent money-manager. I always follow the three pillars of the Financial Management universe: Plan, Trace, Track. I have my own purchased Money management software. And I always pay myself first. I am also very open and receptive to what the universe has to offer me.

    - I am a freakin' Warrior and I will do whatever it takes. I know that now from being in the program and with it for this long. I take a no-matter-what approach to the things I set my mind to.

    - I am a growing expanding continuous learner. Always on the edge of my skills and knowledge horizons. I am a massive value provider.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - Thank you for changing you car's oil despite not feeling like it. You take such a great care of your lovely car.

    - Thank you so much for taking the laundry back and putting a new set to be "laundered"

    - Thank you so much for doing over 25 minutes of Image Streaming today. Your creative flow is growing its connection to your conscious mind every day.

    - Thank you so much for having 3 big cups of green drinks today. You're such a vibrantly healthy guy :-)

    - Thank you so much for completing the massive action plan for your first goal in the 100 day challenge.

    - Thank you so much for doing your best in fixing Al-Rai's laptop.

    - Thank you so much for helping your dad and consulting him with regard to the specs of the laptop he should buy for Salam. I appreciate that :-)

    - I am so happy and grateful now that you have contacted Dr. Healer with regard to taking some sessions with him as part of your Play items for this month (and the next) Yes Yes Yes!

    - Thank you so much for the message you are sending to your sister to say good bye to her. Yes

Have a marvellous Night! Take care :-)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 53

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for financial freedom. Done!
  4. Belief in Value:

    I am a solution manufacturer. I take a "problem" and define it in terms of the steps required to transform it. In the process of my innovative problem-solving, I utilize the latest centrelaized, data-driven, decision-support systems. Highly efficient and very fast, timely, and accurate. I provide it in a platform accessible to everyone, since it is web-based, and I also enrich it with the wonderful set of attractive interactive, time-saving, eye-catching web components and controls (out of which I have purchased the best for my development efforts). On top of that, I'm taking graphics design as a professional double major. And so any time a marketing promotion needs to be stunning, I'm your man. Yes Yes Yes. Combine all of that with continuous learning, and a concentration/patience of steel, and you have all the value you can get and more from a tech-savvy teammate. Thank you.
  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - Thank you so much for a very interesting read in A Short History of Nearly Everything. Reading about DNA is really eye-opening. Total so far is 85%. Yes Yes Yes

    - Thank you a lot for finishing about 25 delivery sheets in your retail stores analysis.

    - Thank you very much for your intention and absolute commitment to taking the 100 days challenge. Starting tomorrow.

    - Thanks a million for drinking 2 big cups of green drinks, one of them being the first thing in the morning.

    - Thank you so much for getting back into your habit of ultra-hydration after Ramadan. Yes Yes Yes.

    - I am so happy and grateful to you now for re-charging your mobile plan with 5 KD so that you always stay connected.

    - This is day 53. You are a man of your word, Abdul. Yes Yes Yes

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 52

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!

  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!

  3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. "Money Does Provide Enormous Solutions"

  4. Visualization:

    I see myself on a cruise to the caribean on this huge gigantic cruise ship with all the wonderful amazing luxuries I could iagine. I smell the amazing breezing fresh air that glides by my face as the swift ship moves along. I see the crystal clear waters of this amabreathtaking area. I walk accross to the swimming pool wich is olympic-sized and so attractive. I roam around in all directions and I can't cover the entirety of this spaciousness. I enter a very big big library hall in which I find my passion for books beaming with power. I find things -that if I allowed myself- would keep me busy for years to come. I love the place. I have my own suite with a double bedroom and all the classy chandliers and luminiscent lights. Very romantic and calming. I touch the velvety cover of my bed and breath in "Thank you Universe!"

  5. Dear Abdulrahman:

    - Thank you for really being a 1000% mind/body and soul into today's exercise.

    - Thank you very much for this awesome A+ self-care.

    - Thank you very much for having 2 big cups of green drinks.

    - Thank you very much for making people who visited you really laugh from the depth of their hearts. Your sense of humor is a gracious gift from Divinity. Yes!

    - Thank you very much for sharing and put up the challenge of the last 100 days. Very uplifting and forward-propelling.

    - Thank you for sharing one of Al-Mustafa's (Peace be upon him) Hadiths with the family for the intention of sharing knowledge.

    - You've shared a lot of your knowledge, and also, at the same time, you listened and gave way to others to express their feelings and opinions. Awesome harmony. Yes Yes Yes!

    - Focused on green tea and two cups of that

Have a marvellacious night. Much much love, Abdul.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 51

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire."I have more than 500 friends on Facebook"
  4. Purpose for Money:

    - I am living the amazing freedom to learn new languages, musical instruments, and awesome hobbies. There's enough time for all of that and the rest is also spent in things that I love.

    - I am travelling to the most exotic of places and loving how great God's creation is. Very inspiring, breathtaking, and breath-stealing. Connected to nature and observing it's Creator.

    - I am learning from the best to keep taking my life to the highest of levels in terms of awareness, skills, health, achievement, harmoniousness, love, realtionships, gratitude and everything. I can take any course or seminar that manages to appear on the surface of this planet and sincerely promise results.

    - I love the power that I embrace as I allow more and more wealth to come to me. I can help much much more people now that I am financially free. I can inspire all of them to become like me if they desire so.

    - I own my own amazing mansion along with my own masterpiece Lexus car. Yes Yes Yes

    Focus on one of these and describe why it's important and how it's making you feel:

    Nature has always been the favorite gift I have from Gaia. I love the tranquility and stillness it brings about in me. My true essence is reflected and manifested in the delicate beauty of the oceans, waterfalls, flowers, plains, mountains, and creatures. I love the fact that there's always more to see. It makes me feel connection to the Divine and sends me back with the most unexpressable feeling of refreshing delight. I come back with the greatest desire to be more, do more, and have more. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
  5. My awesome successes for today:

    - Had a great lunch and reunion with friends from CBA. Also, got to make new great friends who are friends of my friends.

    - Practiced innovative attentive listening while Rania and Ahmad were describing there interests and passions. I listened as if the person was the only person in the world. My interruptions were almost none. Yes Yes Yes :-) Her story about the amazing entanglement with her twin regarding their mood and when his tooth got punched.

    - I had one big cup of green drinks

    - I shared the reward we will be giving at our next TM meeting.

    - I befriended Rania and Ahmad on FB to stay connected.

    - I finished week 7 and am well into week 8. Yes Yes Yes.

    - I have gone over 250 friends on facebook. That's over 50% of my original goal of 500. Yes Yes Yes

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 50

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I am enjoying my own luxorious Lexus" Yes!
  4. Clarity of Intention:

    " I have over $15,000 a month in passive income"

    How I feel having this as my reality:

    I feel very enlightened and connected to the First and Ultimate Giver. I love the generosity of God. I feel empowered to do what I love to do. I feel the love from Heaven engulfing me. I am so happy and grateful now that I live in my own amazing mansion" Thank you so much. Yes
  5. My wonderful Successes for today:

    - I went to Eid prayer and greeted people I didn't know presently and warmly just for the sake of spreading the love and gratitude.

    - I sent out messages that of warm greetings of Eid to many many of my friends and relatives.

    - I made the majority of people sitting in the family gathering today laugh wholeheartedly. Yes Yes and Thank you.

    - I played bowling and re-discovered the secret to striking right at the middle.

    - I had two big cups of green drinks. Yes Yes Yes.

    - I went very playful with Haya the cutest and had tons of fun.

    - I shared with Khalti the importance of diaphram breathing to a healthy life and getting rid of migrane.

    - I kept 4 of the 5 prayers in time.

    - I allowed Omar to share his nice songs on his PSP with us through my car's sound system.

    - I played volley ball with Ammar, foot-basket-ball with Ahmad, Humam, and Ibrahim to increase my healthy blood circulation.

    - I took Abu Humam's number from Khalo so that I keep in touch with him more often. Yes.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 49

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for financial freedom. Done!
  4. Appreication and Gratitude:

    - Thank you so much for the amzing gift of Ramadan and Eid.

    - I am so happy and grateful now that I have completed a 2 days I3tikaf with my dear brothers.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for Ridwan in my life. He's very inspiring, encouraging, and is a powerful role-model for dicipline, kindness, and practical spirituality.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the beautiful refreshing massage the barber gave me after the haircut. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    - Thank you so very much for the beautiful fashionable clothes that are my Eid clothes. Very nice and nurturing. Thank you thank you thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for Sheik Hamad Snan. He has an amazing beautiful voice that speaks stillness into my heart. Thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for my courage to continue doing the program despite all the people looking in the mosque.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for A.Amer having connected me with all those young enlightened beings who synergize with me on the path to Divine connection.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for my great reliable, fast, car. So nicely designed and created. Thank you thank you thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for my love for reading. Thank you, Mom for instilling that love into my beingness since I was a toddler.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for my beautiful voice. I utilize it to generate and guide emotions that serve my purpose and highest good. Thank you Thank you thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for Du3a El Khatm. Thank you thank you thank you.

    - Thank you for the reassurance and empowerment through dreams. The dreams Ridwan shared with me are such a unique delight. Thank you thank you thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for Taraweeh. You connect with God's word evry single night with the most arresting of voices. Thank you thank you thank you.

    Choose one and describe how it makes you feel:

    Great company and surrounding myself with friends of high will and perseverence makes me a man of those virtues. Because you become who you spend your time with on a continuous basis, I feel very blessed to have someone who reminds me of the afterlife and that all my achievements are geared towards ensuring that eternall happiness and joy. I feel grateful and thankful that those people are around me, because they make me laugh from my heart, they help me see who I truly am, and they allow the best in me to come out. Thank you thank you thank you.
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - I kept my commitment from yesterday on sending the pile of clothes to the laundry.

    - Finished my two-days I3tikaf with a wonderful good-bye.

    - Encouraged Ridwan to participate in Inshad.

    - Greeted people warmly for the occassion of Eid.

    - Got a nice haircut and asked the barber to give me a deep message.

    - Asked the barber where I can get that wonderful massaging device. Yes!

    - I allowed my friends to watch Habib Ali through my laptop. Yes!

Have an amazing night. Sleep tight :-)

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 48

- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations.Done
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for supportive belief around wealth and money. "Money loves me and is attracted to me."
- Act in spite of: I will take the clothes to the Laundry tomorrow.
- My wonderful Successes for today:
- Completing this exercise early in the evening so that it doesn't feel so much like a chore.
- Shared the great discovery and amusement of stereograms with Mahmoud and Ibrahim.
- Finished reading the first Juza' of the Holy Quran.
- Enjoyed the kahtm in Taraweeh and participated wholeheartedly in the prayer.
- Shared the idea and sample Holosync tracks with Mahmoud and Ibrahim.

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 47

- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for current or short-term desire. "I am a rich enlightened warrior"
- REferences for ability and deservedness:
- I will do whatever it takes. I am a fricking warrior. I've earned it.
- I am a fantastic excellent Money Manager. I an excellent wealth and joy receiver.
- I am a continuous learner. Always on the jorney towards the highest ideal. No arriving. Always in path. Yes
- My wonderful successes for today:
- Set up the website for centralized delivery data entry.
- I went totally playful with the kids at Ammar's
- I shared an insight with Danah on why some people choose to be cruel and unkind.
- I bought myself nice fashionable Italian shirts for the Eid. Thank you, Abdulrahman.
- I chose to participate in I3tikaf.
- I am doing this exercise regardless of my body screaming for sleep. I am a fricking warrior. Yes
- I power-walked after Iftar on the beach.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 26

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I AM going for sky-diving three times this year"
  4. Belief in Value:

    - My word is law in the universe. When I commit to something, I provide it. I mary technology with the sound understanding of business principles. I am a solution-provider. For every requirement/problem, I utilize the best of technology to save time and effort and present the most accurate, relevant, timely information to the decision maker. Leveraging technology is my game. Not only do I know the logical side of development (web development) specifically, but I have paid very close attention to the asthetical part of it, too. Investing from my personal funds in design templates and wonderful web components in an amazing live proof of how serious I am in this regard. I can also contribute a lot to marketing by creating the most amazing catchy Graphical and animated promotions.
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - I lived the program for 46 days now. That's over 50% percent. Yes Yes Yes. Commitment is utmost to living it through the final day.

    - Took dad, Ridwan to the Khurafi mosque to a wonderful recitation of the Holy Quran.

    - I trained Ahmad to use the new system I designed.

    - Offered Ahmad a ride back home.

    - Read another 2% percent from ASHONE. Total so far is 82%. Yes Yes Yes :-)

    - I had One big cup of Green drinks and I ate salad to maintain my high natural alkalinity.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 45

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for financial freedom. Done!
  4. Visualization:

    I'm climbing Mount Waiyno in Peru with James Arthur Ray. I can smell the utter freshness of the thin airup there. We feel the strength and empowerment present in this endeavor. I feel loved by the universe to have been blessed to meet James in person. I see the amazing beauty below us and all around us. I touch the hardy hirtorical rocks and feel the amazement at the incredible level of prosperty that I have achieved which is allowing me to be here now.
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - Read over 30 pages for the next MCPD exam. Total so far is 851 out of 1000. Yes

    - Connected with my dear old friend Ridwan.

    - Had an amazing instantaneous recalling of exactly where the sheikh was reciting from.

    - Downloaded Joe Vitale's free book: Attract Money Now.

    - Shared the wonderful inspiring video of "The Butterfly Circus"

    - Encouraged my friend Manal to take her amazing writing skills to the highest level possible.

    - Supported Ridwan in his decision to continue studying and get his degree rather than dropping out and just start working. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Introduced Ibrahim to more possibilities for his career in IT.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 44

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportive belief around wealth and money. "Money Loves me and is attracted to me"
  4. Purposes for Money:

    - I travel the world and see the wondorous landmarks of God's creation. I go to Peru with the World Wealth Society. I enjoy the most natural and mesmerizing of places on earth whenever I want and feel the freedom that is every bit worth the effort and the money I have to spend on it.

    - I take the best courses to learn from the best. I ensure my continuous growth by making education an integral part of my life. Always Always Always learning and living from the highest level of awareness. I can get myself and take myself to any kind of seminar, course, event, camp, trip, summit that I desire. yes Yes Yes.

    - I own my own wonderus magnificent mansion that purely reflects true connection to spirit and ultimate abundance.

    - I am able to help people get the most out of their daily life because of the greater power I have through my wealth.

    - I show the way to many people that ANYONE can become rich. If I can do it, you can do it. It's a question of how burning your desire is to manifest your intention.

    Choose one and describe why it is important to you:

    Education is such a biggie for me. I know there's much much much more to us humans than our physical bodies, and being big on education keeps me on the cutting edge of the realm of human potential. There are loads and tons of things that I want to learn and learn about. I love the fact that you can never know enough. This ensurance from the universe that if you take the path of continuous learning, there will always be more room for you to shine even more. Yes!

  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - Read another 2% of ASHONE. Total so far is 80%. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Connected with one of my dear AU friend.

    - Completed a comunication/misunderstanding with my dad about what's annoying him about my own choices in Ramadan.

    - Finished the entire Discrepancy analysis, put it in Excel format, and colorized it for extra measure.

    - Prayed Qiyam.

    - Had 2 big cups of green drinks. Love the energy.

    - Drank lots and lots of water during and after qiyam. Yes Yes Yes

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 43

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire. "I am an incredible example of daily perseverence."
  4. Clarity of Intention:

    "I have over $11,000 every month in passive income"

    Describe how it makes you feel, this being your reality:

    - I fell empowered by the wonderful gift of the breakthough. I have taken the action necessary and maintained my incredible perseverence throughout the process. Now, I am reaping the fruits and even expanding furhter. I feel so very grateful for all the uncountable prolific abundance in the universe and for the growing allowing force within me that let's it flow to me in rising amounts every day. I feel a freedom never felt before, since I mostly do what I love and pay for the things that are marked as chores in my life. Thank you Thank You Thank You.
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - Completed day 43 and am 1001% commited to living the program.

    - Finished extracting the data for the Aug. Invoice analysis.

    - Read another 3% of Bill Bryson's book. Total so far is 78%. Yes Yes Yes. What a wonderful chapter on the incredible miracles of the universe in and of itself that is the cell.

    - Felt an incredible sense of gratitude for every single cell in my body for all the services they laboriously "uncomplainingly" provide on a moment-to-moment basis.

    - Encouraged Sonya in the phase of her growth that she is going through right now. Go Sonya Go.

    - Connected with more of James Ray friends.

    - I put my English and Arabic transcripts in the proper envelop.

    - Used my FB status to invite people to acknowledge their successes for the day.

    - Getting the intriguing top-experts-recommended Silva Life System. Yes Yes Yes.

Have an incredible night. Love You :-)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 42

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!

  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!

  3. VAKS for a Big Dream. "I am going on a wonderful cruise to the Carribean!" Yes

  4. Appreciation and Gratitude:

    - Thank you so much for the amazing gift of connecting with so many supportive positive achivement-oriented fully alive people through Facebook. I love it so much.

    - Thank you so much for my little nifty classy sexy laptop. Very cool.

    - Thank you so much for James Arthur Ray. I'm so happy and grateful now that he is in my friends circle on FB. I get to learn SO much from him directly on a daily basis. He is also a connecting point to all the other like-minded awe-inspired people that live by his teachings. Thankyou so much.

    - Thank you so much for my quick speedy touch typing skill. You allow me to access tons of information in an instant's worth of typing. I can also finish alot more writing than when using a pen and paper.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the gift that is Danah in our toastmasters team. Very passionate about life and she inspires me that every single moment of it is totally worth living and attending a 1000%. Thank you so much for her in my life.

    - Thank you so much for Laila and Fatimah. Great circle of mutual supporte towards the perceived ideal.

    - Thank you so much for Kaia. Her friendship has taught me many wonderful things. Not the least among them, is the amazing love for Gaia; mother earth. How compassionate she is and how tolerant of all our wrongdoing to her! Thank you.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for Andrew Kramer. He is so amazingly generous in sharing his gift and talent in After Effects. He hardly spares the tiniest slightest hints, tips, and tricks that would make you a professional very effective, efficient and artistic visual artist. Thank you very much.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for my new GPS personal locator. I will never be lost again no matter where I go. I love this gift. Thank you very much.

    - I am so happy and grateful now for the JARS system. It's working miracles in my life.

    - Thank you so much for introducing me to the Finish Strong; Last 100 days challenge. I'm so happy for my explicit intention to be heart and soul part of this program.

    - Thank you so much for the completion of the entire set of 65 tutorials for After Effects.

    - Thank you tons and hectares for my great dicipline and commitment to completing my MCPD certificate requirements. I am really really close now. It's on the way. Definetely. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Thank you so much for my perseverence in continuing the TruSage Wealth Conditioning program NO MATTER WHAT! I feel far way better about myself that I complete this every day. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    - Thank you so much for Tony Robbins. One of the planet's greatest men. I love the videos that you send to me. Very inspiring and an urging call to action.

    Choose one and describe why it is important:

    James Ray is such an inspirational figure to me. Recently he took a bunch of top-minded people and took them to the top/summit of Mount wuyana in Peru. I feel so empowered that someone so busy with providing value to people is still interacting with and inspiring people through BOTH facebook and twitter. I feel that the world is still yield great-spirited enlightened warriors. The great supply of those MEN has never dwindled. And James is a living breathing proof of that. I feel grateful that he accepted my friend request on FB and I feel the urge and knowing that I can do it no matter what. Thank you, James. Thank you from the depth of my heart :-)

  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - Just completed the 6th week of the program. I feel so great and happily spacious. I love the exercises so much.

    - I finished three chapters of the MCPD exam content all in one day. That's a little below 100 pages out of 1000. Wow What an achievment, Abdul! Way to go my dear; way to go:D
    Total so far is 815 (That's over 81%) Yes Yes Yes!

    - I kept my commitment from last night. Yes Yes Yes!

    - I read another 5% from Bill Bryson's book. A chapter on Taxonomy and classification. Total so far is 75% Yes Yes Yes.

    - I connected with many of my colleagues using LinkedIn.

    - I connected with more people who are friends of James Ray.

    - I complimented Rami for his nice cooking skill.

    - I shared a message of sending healing to our gulf sea.

    - Used Holosync to bring my mind to a peak concentration state while studying and also gaining all the health benefits from the session. Yes

Have a miraculous Day :-)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 41

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for financial freedom. Done!
  4. Act in spite of:

    "I commit to arriving at page 805 out of 1000 of studying for the next MCPD exam before sleeping at night tomorrow"
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - I made khalti and the family laugh at the Iftar bonquet.

    - Read another 4% from A Short History of Nearly Everything. Total so far is 70% Yes!

    - Watched 4 video tutorials on AE. Finished the entire 65 tutorial set. COMPLETION. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Played with Khaled and Haya very childishly. I let loose and had an amazing blast.

    - Prayed qiyam.

    - I ate an extra amount of Fattoush salad on Iftar so that I gain more green energy.

    - Allowed myself to watch TV even though it's not "totally productive". The choice was conscious and there was no guilt involved afterwards.

    - Drank one big gulp cup of green drinks. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Shared the speech of the girl who silenced the world for 5-minutes video.

Good Night :-)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 40

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. "Money Loves me and is attracted to me!"
  4. References for Ability and deservedness:

    - I am an excellent money-manager.

    - I can learn very very quickly. I am a super-fast continuous learner.

    - I can persever through any program I put my mind to.
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - I finished the data entry for the entire period of 15-30 Aug.

    - I received my beautiful GPS gift.

    - I went to my dentist appointment and had a quick successful cleansing session.

    - Tested my new gadget gift extensively on my way back home.

    - Took my Kindle with me to the waiting room of the dentist. I finished another 1%. Total so far is 67%. Yes!

    - Watched another 4 tutorials from Andrew Kramer. Total so far is 61 out of 65. Very close YAY ^_^

    - Getting Designer Sound FX.

    - Contacted IDC company with regard to my GPS's LCD.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 39

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire. Done!
  4. Belief in Value:

    - I help people realize that they are capable of much more than they usually imagine. I set an example on doing things that many people fall short on because of letting fear immobilize them. I also love technology. I use my artistic skills in After Effects to make the best marketing communication that gets the message accross clearly and effectively. Not only do I deal with computer arts very well, but I also handle data very professionally. I am a solution provider and a service department by myself in our team. I handle the entirety of IT make sure that we have an edge in terms of systems and proccesses.
  5. My great successes for today:

    - Finished over 70% of the data processing for the fill rate analysis.

    - Watched 2 other After Effects Tutorials.

    - Went to the 09-09-09 meditation and loved it.

    - I suggested to a friend who was interested in Graphics Design.

    - I read another chapter on Bacteria and their enormous role in life on earth. Another 6%. Total so far is 66% YAY!.

    - Helped Danah understand what the role of a general evaluator is all about. Complimented her for her remarkable passion for life.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 38

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I enjoy sky-diving twice every year."
  4. Visualization:

    I am on a wonderful trip to the UK with loads of experiences planned for the pure joy of picking my play items. First I go to Sky Diving and we arrive at the amazing height where everything beneth us seems so tiny and small. I feel the adrenaline rushing and the fear-mind is screaming like crazy. I take a deep breath and I jump regardless. What an exhilirating feeling that is! I am free. And I can fly. I love it. After that, I go to the experience where you get a practical lesson on how to fly a plain. one word wow. I see all the gauges, lightes, switches, indicators, screes. Amazing! I am also going to the sphere running both air-borne and on the ground. And then finally, some fascinating indoor sky-diving. Fabulous.
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - Finished another 3% of A Short History of Nearly Everything. Started a new chapter on the rise of life and felt an amazing connection with the Great Spirit. Learned many new words. Total so far is 60%. YAY!

    - Watched over 3 new tutorials from Andrew Kramer. 55 out of 65. Yes Yes Yes :D

    - Getting the Film Magic Pro and the Evolution products. Yes Yes.

    - I responded to the supportive comments that my friends made on FB.

    - I've finished over 50% of delivery notes analysis. Didn't hesitate to ask Ahmad to help me.

    - Helped mom create her online banking account.

    - Drank 2 big large cups of green drinks. Vibrant, energetic, and healthy. yes Yes Yes.

    - Had a blast with the visualization exercise.

    Have an awesome night

Monday, September 7, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 37

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done
  3. VAKS for finanacial freedom. Done!
  4. Purposes for Money:

    - I am travleing the world and enjoying the most exotic of locations and beautiul creations.

    - I am feeding my mind and soul with best educational materials available on earth.

    - I can now afford myself and amazing group of surrounding people that have the most inspirational, supportive, positive, loving touch to them. I can be with the best authors, speakers, coaches and learn from the best.

    - I own my own beautiful mansion with utter beauty in architechture, interior design, and natural components.

    - Much more time to spend on learning and growing my hobbies and interests such as piano, flute, and Spanish.

    - Much more time to give to Toastmasters.

    - Much more money and power to change the lives of others.

    Choose one and describe why:

    Seeing as much of the world as possible because it shows how much very abundant life and nature is. It raises my abundance-awareness to unmatched levels. I can see how God's power to create is so limitless. I can observe the diversity of life forms apparent in all kinds of creations. I can see the color green in many of its most beautiful portrayals in nature. I love it. I feel so blessed and immersed in all of this fantastic depths of sublime energy. I feel refereshed and ready to get back and take another majorly large set of massive actions that propel me forward. Thank You Thank You Thank You.
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - I just discovered I actually finished week 5 ( not 4) and already moving into week 6. Yes Yes Yes.

    - I headed the TM meeting very successfully and energetically. I got to introduce people to the idea behind TM in a very creative way (mentioning inventions that are meant solely to facilitate communication).

    - I took the grammarian role and asked Fatimah to evaluate me so that it counts towards my CL.

    - I read a facinating section from A.S.H.O.N.E. on water and the wonders of it. Total so far is 57%. Yes Yes Yes.

    - I moved through a substantial mass of the delivery notes and couragessly asked for Nariman's help in dictating the amounts. Much quicker and efficient.

    - Made our guests on Iftar laugh on several occasions.

    - Connected with guests in the meeting on a very emotional/essential level.

    - Listened to Danah when she was speaking about her passion for life -to my best ability at the time- as if she was "the only person in the world" to quote Mitch Albom. Yes Yes Yes.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 36

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportive belief around wealth and money. Done! "Money Loves Me and is Attracted To Me"
  4. Clarity of Intention:

    " I Have Over $11,000 a month in passive income"

    -Describe how you feel with this as your reality:

    I feel so free abundant and in pure connection to the Divine which is All Wealthy and Abundant. I feel so loved and generously endowed. I love the gift of seeing as much of this lovely mother earth as possible. Thank you Thank you Thank You. I am so happy and grateful now that travelling the marvllous earthly beauties s my current reality. Thank you
  5. My fantastic Successes for today:

    - Helped mom in doing the dishes.

    - Read a fantastic section from "A Brief History of Nearly Everything" on the Atmosphere, Clouds, Lightening and rain. Total so far is 55%. Yes Yes Yes!

    - Shared my passion and excitment over the content of this book with my friends on Facebook.

    - Replied to the messages and comments I got on Facebook.

    - I have already passed 4 weeks out of 12 in the program and am a 1000% commited to following through and living with it. Yes!

    - Watched another 2 tutorials from the awsome Andrew Kramer. Love it. Thank you, Andrew.

    - Received the green drinks and I drank my first in this Ramadan. Great energy. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Offered Nariman one of the green drink tubs.

    - Devised a great way to performing the delivery analysis on all product lines much much more quicker than the old method. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Got the amazing Scores Pro tracks and I love them.

    - Added a fantastic quote by Dr. Dayne Wayer to my FB profile:
    Love is my gift to the world. I fill myself with love, and I send that love out
    into the world. How others treat me is their path; how I react is mine

My deepest love to all of you. Have a fantastic night!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 35

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire. "I head an amazing energetic Toastmasters Meeting!" Yes
  4. Appreciation and Gratitude:

    - I am so happy and grateful now for all the amazing laughs that are possible because my dear, Duha is nearby.

    - I m so happy and grateul now for my membership and preidency of Al-Koot Toastmasters. many amazing things are changing in my life after joining in the awesome positive energy of that club.

    - I am so happy and grateful for the gift I boght for myself from Firebox. Thank You Thank You Thank You. I am so very grateful for the discovery of Firebox itself. Lots of wonderfully fantastic gadgets and stuff.

    - Thank you so very much for the grate level of awareness reading "A Brief History of Nearly Everything" is giving me. I can relate to earth as my mother so much now that I know how much living, breathing, loving, supportive, and tolerant she is.

    - I am so grateful and happy for all the money that I have now. My net worth is ten times that of the average person in many many parts around the world.

    - I am so grateful for my persistence in living this program. Thank you thank you thank you.

    - I am so grateful for Manal and her so dear-to-my-heart friendship. Very supportive, really humorous and light-hearted. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    - I am very very grateful now for Salah's support and help in my mission as a president of Al-Koot. He has really great experience and is not sparing any effort.

    - I am so grateful for the wonderful vibrant Supreme Greens that on the way to me. Lots of green energy to make my cells want to fly! Yes Yes Yes.

    - Thank you so very much for the great wisdom of Dr. Brian Alman. I love his Trusage program and all the methods and techniques he shares with me every day.

    - Thank you so very much now for the wonderful Talent of Sir Andrew Kramer. I love his tutorials, have learned and am still learning many amazing cool stuff from them. Love his jokes, too.

    Choose one and describe why it is important:

    - I love the energy that I get from the green drinks. I feel so alert, so awake, so vibrant, so healthy, so energetic, clear-minded, and potent. I feel so physically capable, adapt and strong by keeping my habit of alkalizing and energizing. Such a great product. I feel connected to mother earth because I'm using what she provides rather than what we humans are artificially pushing down our stomaches. Thank you thank you thank you.
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - Helped mom with the clothes.

    - Helped mom doing the dishes.

    - Kept my commitment on regaining momentum for the MCPD. Finished over 50 pages for the next exam. Total so far is 710 (that's over 71% YAY ^_^)

    - Read an amazing 2% of Brief History on the incredible miraculousness of how human-adapt earth is. It was especially design for us, science is discovering.

    - Watched 5 videos for After Effects training.

    - Kept my commitment on sending out our facebook strategy.

    - Drew a map to clarify how to get to our TM meeting.

    - Sent out a reminder for membership renewals.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 34

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. "I am spending an amazing vacation in Maui!" Yes Yes Yes
  4. Act in spite of...

    - I will regain momentum in my MCPD endeavor by reading at least 40 pages for the next exam tomorrow.

    - I will send out the first tacic of our Al-Koot TM Facebook strategy tomorrow.
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - Read a whole chapter from A Brief History of Nearly Everything. So Intriguing. Total so far is over 50% Yes Yes Yes. Wow

    - Watched another 5 tutorials for After Effects. I'm learning more and more of it everyday.

    - Went on stage in Al-Muhallab despite the fear and participated in the challenge and won. Yes Yes Yes. Pretty nice perfume package from Atyab El Marshood.

    - Uploaded the video for my 3rd speech successfully and replied to 2 of the 3 comments.

    - Sent out a welcome message to our new TM member and invited others to welcome her and make her feel at home.

    - Gave unconditionally to the guy in the street.

    - Bought mom and Duha some sweets after winning on the boom game.

    - Took mom and Duha to the Taraweeh.

    - Acknowledged the role Fatima played in making my speech a success.

    - Received my ECCO Pocket GPS in my mailbox in the UK. Yes Yes Yes.

    Will have a great day tomorrow. Take Care!.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 33

  1. Attitudes of Weath Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for financial freedom. Done!
  4. References for ability and deservedness:

    - I have a strong follow-through perseverence. Growing sense of completion and commitment. Also, success breeeds success and I am striking many wins every day of my life.

    - I am an excellent money manager. My JARs are all ready. Treating myself very well and being open and receptive to all the universe has to offer me. Giving in gratitude. Keeping track of all my expenses and depositing to my FFA every day.

    - I learn very very quickly and is very passionate in execution.
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - Listened to another session of enlightened wealth training.

    - Watched 5 tutorials from Andrew Kramer. Awesome.

    - Practiced and did the effect from one of the tutorials. (Vanishing point import)

    - Read another 2% of A Brief History (Total so far is 46%. Yes)

    - Getting myself the gift of the smallest global key-chain-size GPS system for locking locations you want to get back to. Wow, so awesome! Thank you. And it shipped today, too. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 32

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for supportive belief around wealth and money. "Money Loves Me and Is Attracted to Me"
  4. Belief in Value:

    It turns out I have a very high marketing value I can add to people. I got that from more than one source. In the TM meeting, the grammarian pointed out to me how convincing I was in selling the Pocket Nitendo. Two days after that, our CEO said he's going to hand marketing to me. WOW! Unbelievalbe. At the same time, I am now capable of creating very fantastic visually attractive marketing materials using a wide array of the Adobe Creative Suite (Flash, Photoshop, After Effects [my ultimate favourite]). I can create motion graphics that stunningly demand attention and convey conviction. This alone is amazing. But I add to that the knowledgy of computer logic and the utilization of all three-tiers of application development. I can understand business requirements and translate that into the middle tier (business logic), the data requirements into the Data Layer, and now have a very special collection of templates, controls, and Graphic design skill to deal also with the UI tier. Very comprehensive. In terms of workplace and team spirit, you can totally rely on me to be your positivity director. Yes! Always solution-oritented and positive-focusing. Add continuous learner to all of the above, and you have a Someone who is always on top of his game. Yes YEs Yes.
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - Corrected the attendace summary list and did a little fun debugging exercise to achieve that.

    - Became the number one promised candidate for directing our marketing. Yes Yes Yes

    - Discovered more and more delivery notes and made the numbers more accurate.

    - Gave mom the pleasure of the SuperTap massage session.

    - Gave myself the pleasure of a SuperTap session.

    - Read a very entertaining section from "a brief history of nearly everything." Finished the Chapter on asteroids and started the chapter titled "The Fire Under"

    - Took mom and Duha to Al Bishr mosque to enjoy the beautiful recitation there.

    - Chose to drink healthy juice when buying from the mini market even though the fizzy CO2-saturated drinks were in front of me.

    - Contacted the Supreme Greens seller to inquire about my exciting 3-tubs shipment and got an immediate satisfying response.

    - Sent my brother a humorous sincere compliment with regards to the amazing piece of potetic-prose account he wrote of our Wafra camp three years ago.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 31

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!

  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!

  3. VAKS for current or short-term desire.

  4. Visulaization. Done!
  5. My successes for today:

    - Had a great technological talk with Mahmoud in his car and encouraged him to go on with his IT solutions company idea.

    - Warmly and sincerely congratulated Muthaffar on getting his PMP and asked questions that clarify how I can make this accomplishment myself.

    - Clarified to Mahmoud the importance of differents certifications in the IT arena.

    - Watched 10 videos from Video Copilot tutorials. Awesome (over 50 % so far).

    - It's day 31. YAY!. I am officially over the 30-days mark. Yes Yes Yes.

    - Found this awesome program by Lee Milteer that helps you overcome procrastination forever. Yes Yes Yes