Monday, September 7, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 37

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done
  3. VAKS for finanacial freedom. Done!
  4. Purposes for Money:

    - I am travleing the world and enjoying the most exotic of locations and beautiul creations.

    - I am feeding my mind and soul with best educational materials available on earth.

    - I can now afford myself and amazing group of surrounding people that have the most inspirational, supportive, positive, loving touch to them. I can be with the best authors, speakers, coaches and learn from the best.

    - I own my own beautiful mansion with utter beauty in architechture, interior design, and natural components.

    - Much more time to spend on learning and growing my hobbies and interests such as piano, flute, and Spanish.

    - Much more time to give to Toastmasters.

    - Much more money and power to change the lives of others.

    Choose one and describe why:

    Seeing as much of the world as possible because it shows how much very abundant life and nature is. It raises my abundance-awareness to unmatched levels. I can see how God's power to create is so limitless. I can observe the diversity of life forms apparent in all kinds of creations. I can see the color green in many of its most beautiful portrayals in nature. I love it. I feel so blessed and immersed in all of this fantastic depths of sublime energy. I feel refereshed and ready to get back and take another majorly large set of massive actions that propel me forward. Thank You Thank You Thank You.
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - I just discovered I actually finished week 5 ( not 4) and already moving into week 6. Yes Yes Yes.

    - I headed the TM meeting very successfully and energetically. I got to introduce people to the idea behind TM in a very creative way (mentioning inventions that are meant solely to facilitate communication).

    - I took the grammarian role and asked Fatimah to evaluate me so that it counts towards my CL.

    - I read a facinating section from A.S.H.O.N.E. on water and the wonders of it. Total so far is 57%. Yes Yes Yes.

    - I moved through a substantial mass of the delivery notes and couragessly asked for Nariman's help in dictating the amounts. Much quicker and efficient.

    - Made our guests on Iftar laugh on several occasions.

    - Connected with guests in the meeting on a very emotional/essential level.

    - Listened to Danah when she was speaking about her passion for life -to my best ability at the time- as if she was "the only person in the world" to quote Mitch Albom. Yes Yes Yes.

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