- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for Big Dream. "I take an Amazing vacation in Maui!" Yes Yes Yes.
- Purposes for money:
- I love the growth possibilities when I show myself that it is possible to have all the wealth that I desire when I put my whole to it.
- I lov travelling the world. I want to see more and more of the world. There is so much to explore and find. And all of that requires money. I see as much of the world as one can in a lifetime.
- Keeping my health at an optimum and getting green drinks requires money. I can maintain amazing vibrant levels of energy throught the day no matter what effort I demand of my body.
- I can go after my interests and hobbies, because I have the time and money to do that. I can take piano lessons. Learn Spanish. Give more and more to our toastmasters club.
- I love the limitless possibilites that I have in regards of education. Any course, seminar, webinar, camp, training, or program that I fancy, I can take in any part of the world. Yes Yes Yes.
- I can get my wonderful breathtaking mansion in Qura and many other exotic luxurious places.
- I can drive a majestic Lexus that starts its engine with the push of a button.
Describe why one is important and the feelings it brings to you:
- Travelling the world. Greeneries, architechture, ruins, classical places, ancient landmarks, natural wonders, mesmerizing beauty of forests, jungles and waterfalls. All the life forms. All the cultures. Unbelievable. I feel so small, and yet so spacious at the same time. All this existance, I am capable of perceiving which indicates that I do deserve to. - Awesome Successes I enjoyed today:
- Rehearsed a couple of more times for the speech.
- Directed three of my friends on how to get to our meeting.
- Headed the meeting as president and conjoured up enthusiasm and excitement from the audience.
- Delivered my speech very effectively and made great use of the valuable feedback.
- Asked a friend to record a video of my speech for my own review in the future.
- Day 30 of Wealth conditioning. Yay yes yes. thats (33.3333%)
- Organized the group Iftar for tomorrow with A.Amer.
- Was very sincerely happy for Anas because he's now expecting a baby. How awesome.
- Was very very very happy when I heard the news that Ismail got married. Oh my God how awesome.
- Acknowledged many of our members for their remarkable past speeches and at the same time used those examples to market the value of our club.
- Charged the camera and formatted it to have the most capacity for taking pictures and videos.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 30
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 29
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for financial freedom. Done!
- Clarity of Intention:
"I have a passive income of over $11,000 a month"
- I feel very happy to have accomplished this state of living, got out of my way, and moved in the path least taken out of what most crowds are willing to do. I feel satisfied. I feel blessed and Dinvinely taken care of. I feel expanded as a person. I feel growth uplifting my state of consciousness and my lifestyle. I am going to visit Fiji for the first time this coming Monday. Yes Yes Yes! - My wonderful successes for today:
- Have completed 4 weeks of the program and is a 1000% commited to staying with it.
- Did the exercises today despite all the huge energy expended during the day.
- Extracted order and return data for Aug. from all the 50 some files sent by TSC.
- Reviewed the deliveries records against invoices.
- Rehearsed my speech for 3 more times.
- Responded to a friend who expressed interest in Toastmasters.
- Exhibited great amount of energy during the day. I feel fantastic that I can actually generate all of this energy on demand because I am in my center which is my source of power.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 28
- Attitudes of Wealth Decalarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for supportive belief around wealth and money. "Iam a Money Magnet!"
- Attitude of Gratitude:
- I am grateful for all the money that I have now.
- Thank you so much for my wonderfuljl typing speed which makes my development efforts much more expedited.
- Thank you so uch for this beautiful stylish laptop that I am typing on right now. I love you.
- I am eternally grateful now, fo all the experiences and learning that I receiv from you every day.
- Thank you tons and hectares for RosettaStone. I have been quite familiar with Spanish through it.
- Thank you so much for helping me and channeling inspirations for my next speech.
- Thank you so much for Dr. Hameed Al-Qaheri. He has challenged me and put me the my furthest edge of skill development and dicipline.
- Thank you so much for Grandma. She believed in me the very first moment she set sight on my infant face.
- Thank you so much for Duha. Her smile, laughter, and sense of humor makes my day almost every day.
- Thank you tons and hectares for the awesome number of guests/friends who are coming to listen to my speech, support me, and feed their curiosity about toastmasters.
- I am very happy and grateful now that I have listened to Tony Robbins interview with John Rheese and I'm actually getting one of his products.
Speak about one:
I am specifically grateful for Dr. Hameed. If I had a second father, it would be him. He makes me feel very special in his own way. Out of all the hunderds of students, he recognized me, he nurtured me, and he kept on pushing me to my best. He knew I could do things I didn't know about. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know for sure that within less than 2 months from now, I will become an official MCPD. No doubt. Thank you Thank You Thank You. - My successes for today:
- Kept my commitment of changing Daily FFA into major.
-Kept my commitment about rehearsing three times before Iftar.
- Got more and more friends to come to the meeting.
- Watched 5 more Andrew Kramer After Effects tutorials. Awesome.
- Read a section on Asteroids from "A Brief History ..."
- Enjoyed the humming exercise.
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 27
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
3. VAKS for current or Short-term desire. Done! "I am an excellent MCPD web developer"
4. Act in spite of: "I will prepare my speech and rehearse at least three times before Iftar time tomorrow"
5. Beautiful Successes I had today:
- Sent over 20 personalized emails to invite my friends to our next toastmasters meeting.
- Watched two Tony Robbins interviews (with John Reese and Frank Kern)
- Appreciated the sweet delicious food Rasha prepared for us on Iftar.
- Helped Ammar with his mobile phone problem.
- Made Haya laugh.
- Creating lots of new friends back in my hometown Syria.
- Gave my scalp a very refreshing lemonade massage. Yes Yes Yes.
- Depositing another commitment into my "No Matter What" box.
2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
3. VAKS for current or Short-term desire. Done! "I am an excellent MCPD web developer"
4. Act in spite of: "I will prepare my speech and rehearse at least three times before Iftar time tomorrow"
5. Beautiful Successes I had today:
- Sent over 20 personalized emails to invite my friends to our next toastmasters meeting.
- Watched two Tony Robbins interviews (with John Reese and Frank Kern)
- Appreciated the sweet delicious food Rasha prepared for us on Iftar.
- Helped Ammar with his mobile phone problem.
- Made Haya laugh.
- Creating lots of new friends back in my hometown Syria.
- Gave my scalp a very refreshing lemonade massage. Yes Yes Yes.
- Depositing another commitment into my "No Matter What" box.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wealth Conditioning - Day 26
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for Big Dream. "I am driving my latest luxurious Lexus"
- References for Ability and Deservedness:
- I am an excellent money manager.
- I am an excellent continuous learner and I learn from the best.
- I keep my word. When I say something it happens. My word is law in the universe. - My wonderful successes for today:
- I read over 30 pages of 1000 for the next MCPD exam. Total so far is 652. (That's 65% YAY:-)
- Figured out the way to use our SMTP to send out emails from the web application.
- Watched over 10 tutorials on After Effects from Video Copilot. Total so far is 20 out of 65. Yes yes Yes.
- Lent dad my laptop to use for internet information search.
- Helped tidy up the kitchen.
- Shared my excitment over the new website with dad. Acknowledging all the successes all the way.
- Recognized a very long-time neighbour that we haven't seen for very very long in the mosque and greeted him very warmly. Re-introduced him to my dad. And I actually remembered his name.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wealth Conditioning - Day 25
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKs for financial freedom. Done!
- Belief in Value:
I help people find the best centralized solutions for data presentation, data analysis, and decision support. I help the decision maker make the best decision based on timely accurate and relevant data. I utlilize the technologies of the web, database, programming and graphics to to put together one package (very likely a website or a web application) that has an all-in-one interface or dashboard that will measure your performance and give you signals or indicators on where you might want to improve. I am a continuous learner non-stop. I am also adding computer arts and motion pictures to my skill set so that I combine logic with artistry. Pretty massive value to any company or ventrue in business and in life. - Successes I Enjoyed today:
- I ordered 3 tubs of Supreme Greens in congruence with my extreme self-care. To my continued health and vibrancy. Yes Yes Yes.
- I had a very nice lunch with dad in Mais El Ghanem.
- I shared with dad a session of Enlightened Wealth Training while on our way home.
- Drove him to the mechanic where his car was.
- Expressed my happiness and gratitude for a very fresh day in which I felt very alert despite fasting.
- Announced in cheerfulness the launch of our website and created 5 email accounts for our team.
- Watched 7 tutorials from Video Copilot on using After Effects in order to add computer arts to my arsenal. Pretty awesome stuff. Yes yes yes.
- Transfering the other half of the enlightened wealth training to my mp3 player.
- My Money magnet (FFA) is full (it's actually overflowing with money). That has never happened before. I am an excellent and enthusiastic money magnet. Yes Yes Yes.
- Had a great laugh with Ahmad Gamal.
- Read over 15 pages of 1000 for the next MCPD exam. Total so far is 615.
Good Night. God Bless!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 24
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Depoit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. "I Deserve to Be Extremely Wealthy and Rich"
- Visualization:
I am in my fabulous Lexus. I psh thecircular button to switch the engine on. I smell the fascinating smell of the brand new leather. I touch the driving wheel leather as if for the first time.My GPS welcomes me. I set my destination. I go back to my new amazing house in alQura. II here the sound of water pouring into my swimming pool through the artificial mountain. A feeling of overwelming gratitude takes me over. A wave of inner power carries me to the realization of how lucky and fortunate I am to have lived in this loving universe. Music is on and it;s time to dance. - My beautfiful successes that I had today:
- Sent the IMM applications as I said I will do it today.(I kept my word).
- Completed day 24 of 90 and commited to fully be in it to 90 and beyond.
- Enthusiasically picked up a coin I received on the street.
- Took immediate action to remedy my tooth. Went to see him in Jahra despite the distance.
- Succeeded in being somewhat present while the pain was there. I realized that I was more than my physical body and I am the observer of the pain not it. I found it pretty profound that I can still smile and laugh no matter what.
- Listened and reinforced Harv's message on keeping your word.
- Made sure the transfer of domain has happened by preseverent emails between me, the old company, and the new hosting company.
- Took "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" with me to the dentist to use the waiting time for something useful.
- Greeted people in the clinic warmly and with presence. Yes Yes Yes.
- Asked Hmoud to send me the attendance sheet he hasn't send me for a while.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 23
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for Current of short-term desire. "I have an excellent productive day"
- Purposes for Money:
- I desire more exposure to nature. I want to be there fully immersed in it at least three times a year. Traveling around the world and beholding the best.
- I desire and deserve the best education about myself, first and foremost, and about life, money, health, relationships, and success in general.
- I desire the freedom to do what I love and delegate on the things I not a big fan of. I desire to learn playing a musical intrument like the piano and the flute. I want to spend more time in computer arts as much as I do (or more) with computer logic. And I'd like the time to take courses that are longer than just a weekend (camps are one of my favourites).
- I desire a wonderful Mansion in which I live and through which my spirit soars in the amazing expression of artistic beauty.
- I desire to provide help and support to those who need it. Being richer and more successful empowers me to be more of service.
- Ensuring the best college and non-college education for my kids.
- Buying mom and dad a lovely house for their middle-age and golden years.
- Becoming a certified trainer and coach who spreads all that is empowering to the world.
Choose one. Why is it important and how does it make you feel?
Education is very very important to me because it's the landmark sign of me still alive mentally and spiritually. I desire continuous expansion since I have a choice to either be growing or dying in every moment. It makes me feel empowered and in charge (which I am). It makes me feel so grateful to be alive because I learn and pratice being unstoppable. I fall in love with every moment because it's a wonderful act of giving. - My wonderful Successes for today:
- Got to the bottom of the Domain transfer and the process is 90% complete.
- Used the elegant Obout window in showing error notifications.
- Expressed my sympahty with Faisal when I saw his back is hurting.
- Found Anas a good-priced nice-looking Honda Accord car (what he was asking for) and urged him to check it out.
- I was accepting and receptive to the invitation of Dr. Essam to stay longer in his hospitality and have more food.
- Watched the ENTIRE After Effects Basic Training series by Andrew Kramer. What an achievement in one day! Yes YEs Yes. Thank you thank you thank you.
- Did the exercise despite the usual -but slightly louder today- mind fric of not wanting to do it. I interpreted that signal as a call to action; as a sign that change is physically begining to have formation. Did the VAKS and all the other exercises regardless and felt incredible afterwards. Day 23 of 90 done! Yes Yes Yes.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 22
- Attitudes of Wealth Decalarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for Big Dream. Done!. "I Go on A Cruise To The Caribean"
- Clarity of Intention:
" I have over $11,000 a month in passive income"
It feels amazing to be in this reality where I can do whatever I want whenever and however. I have always been deeply grateful for my life and now my gratitude level has shifted to unequivocally higher and higher realms. Thank you for all the travel and vacation plans that I have set right now for me. Thank you for all the time that is available for me to work on all the things I love. I can take piano and flute lessons. I can master Spanish and I can go and sit on the beach. I can take mom on a big beautiful vacation to Tampa and Orlando Disney Land. Yes Yes Yes. - My wonderful successes for today:
- I read more than one chapter from "A Short History of Nearly Everything" on Particles, Geology. (Total so far 36%)
- Prayed 16 rak3as of Taraweeh.
- Was very present in greeting people cheerfully and 100% with them in the act of hand-shaking.
- I made our website live with all but appearance issues fixed without waiting for technical support.
- I uploaded our SQL server to the hosting company.
-Brought back the translations from the translation office because I said I would do so.
- Listened to another session from the "Enlightened Wealth Training" and brought back some lessons home. (most home-hitting for me is the realization that desire for achievement and being grateful for what you already have are two separate processes. They are not mutually exclusive. You can have both)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 21
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for Financial Freedom. "I Am Financially Free". Done!
- Waves of Gratitude:
- Thank you for the amazing warrior persistance of being unstoppable.
- Thank you so much for the loving beautiful family gathering that I had today and continue to have. Great laughs.
- I am so grateful for my wonderful helpful great-service car. Thank you thank you thank you.
- I love you. Thank you for my very high typing speed which allows me to code and develop very very quickly.
- Thank you very much for the amazing power of LINQ. You allowed me to discover it and get more and more familiar with its uses.
- I am so grateful for the great leadership of Faisal. Thank you for this person for he is such an inspiration of balance, caring, and determinism.
-Thank you very much for the TruSage techniques. They are so easy to implement and have far-reaching transformative effects.
- Thanks a million for the love of Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Khalo, Miss Dorothy, Kaia, Duha, and everyone else.
-Thank you very much for my wonderful gem of a book reader. My Kindle. Re-kindling my passion for reading.
- I am so eternally grateful for my stylish Dell laptop, My Cowon D2, My Nokia 6500, My 160 Gb Toshiba, My 600 Gb Western Digital.
- Thank you very much for the effective launch of our website.
Pick one. Why are you grateful for this?
I am so grateful for the love of those around me because it shows that I am in a loving universe that outflows and expresses this love through everything and everyone. Love shines through every human being as they allow it to be. It makes me feel loved, in every second in every moment it's being given. It's an act of giving that happens every instant. I am so grateful for every second; every breath bestowed on me. Always receiving gifts. So thank you thank you thank you. - Awesome Successes I enjoyed today:
- I finished over 50 pages of 1000 for the next MCPD exam. Total so far is 603 (that's over 60% YAY!)
- I shared with my dad the amazing realization of how small and unassuming an atom is not to mention how eternally durable.
- I got the launch of our website going. Uploaded all the files and is already making it happen.
- Watched over 6 videos on LINQ and the different uses for it. Got to know how to use a lambda expression. Yes Yes Yes.
- I have completed 3 weeks now of the programm and is a 1000% commited to living with it to day 90 and beyond.
- I am doing this exercise even though it's beyond 1:00 am in the morning because I am commited to not sleep until this is complete.
- Stayed with the commitment I stated yesterday of re-writing 5 articles. Done that before these exercises.
- Allowed myself to have great laughs in our visit to Khalo. I also made others laugh several times during the visit.
- Changed the IIS framework of the website host to the correct version.
- Sat with Salem and just allowed him to be. Pondering on the amazing gift that is the mind when it is used properly.
- Helped prepare some Iftar dishes for the visit of Dr. Essam. Yes Yes Yes
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 20
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. Done! "I Am A Money Magnet"
- Acting in spite of:
- I will rewrite and spin 5 articles out of the Adsense Treasure package I bought. Tomorrow.
- I will Study another 50 pages for the MCPD exam tomorrow.
You Have My WORD! - Awesome Successes I had today:
- Studied 50 pages of 1000. Total so far is 550 (That's 55% YAY!).
- I congratulated Anas on getting married and the holy month of Ramadan.
- I sent greetings to A.Amer, Khaled Al Faqsh, Mom, Khalo on this wonderful occasion.
- I finished 3 chapters of the SQL server 2005 training (total 7/17). Beautiful lessons.
- Read a nice section on physics and Edwin Hubble from "A Short History of Nearyly Everything"
- Got the refund.
- I checked the online banking status, registered an account, activated it, and contacted the bank regarding the onilne transfer service activation (activating the phone service in the process).
-I got Muthaffar's number in order to ask him about PMP requirements.
- This is day 20 out of 90. I am living with and through the program. Yes Yes Yes.
- I have acted on my commitment to start studying for MCPD @8:30 am sharp this morning.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 19
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for current or short-term desire. Done! "I Have Super-Profitable Adsense Websites"
- References for Ability and Deservedness:
- I deserve to be wealthy because I choose to grow every day and always stay in the expansion mode till the last day on this planet.
- I deserve to be wealthy because it's an integral part of success which I'm already gaining more and more in many areas of my life.
- I deserve to be wealthy because I'm an excellent money manager and I pay myself first every day. I have my bookkeeping envelop method software that allows me to do the jars and keep track of them very effectively. - My beautiful Successes for today:
- Have lived with and through the program for 19 days now and is a 1000% commited to living it through the entire 90 days amd beyond.
- Felt incredibly lucky and grateful to have my own car which takes me from Point A to Point B whenever I want and is extremely efficient.
- Have Over 60% of the CoPilot After Effects Tutorials.
- I watched another chapter (4/17) of the SQL Server 2005 training.
- I read over 10 pages of 1000 for the next MCPD exam. Total so far is 500. That's over 50% YAY!
- Discovered that the third exam for the MCPD does not have a book. I just do some practice exams and brush up on my ASP.NET knowledge and go to the test. This cuts the studying time dramatically and I celebrated this fact loudly.
- Sent a refund request to Affiliate Jump for their flawed system (at least currently) and received a satisfying response on the same day.
- Ordered Obout Suite of rich ASP.NET controls which will make any website I develop a wonderful charm. (YAY for a wonderful active career in web development).
- Accepted Ahmad's allowance on 50 fils change of payment.
- Asked him to add me on Facebook to keep in touch.
- Took the time to capture Kaia's nice Japanese sheet that she created for me over one year ago and shared it with her on Facebook.
- I Gave my scalp another deep cleansing hot pepper + coconut oil massage. I'm fire burning fire burning on the scalp floor!
- Depositing another commitment into my "No Matter What" box.
- Lived many moments throughout the day with the beautiful modality of life-movie playing (and starring).
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 18
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for Big Dream. Done! "I have an amazing vacation in Maui!"
- My Value:
I bring to the place, team, or venture I'm in, the amazing marriage between business and technology. I'm always on the edge of the latest developments. I learn everyday something that saves me substantial amount of time and brings me and the people I work with better results. I have extensive knowledge in development and I have great connections that bring me the best value at the best price. I am a great example for other teammates on the importance of calmness and centerness during work. Transforming every problem into a solution signal. Future oriented and connecting with every one regardless of personality. - Beautiful Successes I Enjoyed Today:
- Embraced the life-movie segment-intention attitude of life.
- Finished about 40 pages of 1000. Total so far is 490.
- I now have about 30% of the amazing fantabulous After Effects tutorials from Copilot Video.
- Printed the IMM application forms.
- Put the physiology major statement, article translation assignment, and excellence certificates in translation. Also, I photocopied my MCP certificate and student exchange selection statement to be attached.
- Added confirmation functionality to the ordering system.
- Put up my MCP certificate on the wall in acknowledgment of this beautiful success.
- Listened to the second session of the enlightened wealth training.
- Gave my scalp a very hot but refreshing red hot pepper massage.
- Expressed my sense of humor on Facebook.
- Got some new songs to diversify my library.
- Sent a Thank you note (email) to A.Amer for a beautiful gathering that we had and received a beautiful response on the same day.
- Did the VAKS, declarations, and even the pepper cooking despite the raising voice of the approval-seeking mind.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 17
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit To FFA. Done!
- VAKS for Financial Freedom. Done!
- Visualization:
I see myself in front of Niagara falls. The thunder-roaring sound of the water mesmerises me. I'm completely consumed by the majestic enormous sudden beauty of it. I smell the gently cold and humid air sprinkled with its water. I feel love and connection to the Divine. My hand is holding the metal barrier between me and the scene.I hug my partner in union with nature. We both breathe deeply and in sync with each other. - My Beautiful Successes for Today:
- Gave myself a healthy dose of self-love. (You can never have too much of it)
- Went to the beautiful gathering with my dars brothers.
- Picked up the cards for my three new jars (EDU, GIV, and LTSS).
- Applied for the prepaid credit card.
- Greeted my friend and ex-coleague, Abu Humam Al-Faqsh. Took his number to stay in touch.
- Took the time to change the pin on my three cards.
- Started listening to the first session of the enlightened wealth training.
- Welcomed samer back into our dars.
-understood my dad's subtleness when he asked if the computer is too loud for me, while he meant to imply he wanted me to lower the volume for him.
- Discovered the amazing After Effects Tutorials on www.videocopilot.net and am getting them. Very cool, helpful, and effective.
- Following up on my new-found old passion for computer arts.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 16
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth:
"Money Loves Me And I Love Money" - Purposes for Money:
- Super-empowering myself with the best of education. Taking the best courses and seminars from the best experts and trainers.
- Becoming a professor in college to transfer my knowledge and inspire generations to live up their dreams.
- Travelling the world. Seeing in my life the most beautiful of places. A new place everytime. A fresh look into the world two or three times every year.
- Expanding as a person. Training myself to be unstoppable. Immersing -to the point of no going back- in the energy of I Will Not Be Denied. A Frickn' Warrior.
- Supporting those in need at the highest level I reach.
- Buying mom and dad a beautiful house in Syria for their golden years.
- Focusing my mind on harmonizing the wealh into all areas of my life (Physical, emotional, mental, financial, spiritual).
- Having multiple several honeymoons with my love over the course of a fulfilling lifetime.
- True connection to the Supreme Being.
- Handling my children's college education.
Expanding as a person is the most important to me becuase it's who I'm becoming in the process that is the target I'm after. It's more important than all the possessions and toys I get to have (That's just gravy). I shift my consciousness into new levels of awareness. I find faculties that exist within me that I never knew existed before. Thank you Thank you Thank you. - Beautiful Successes I had today:
- Installed windows XP on my laptop to demonstrate the ordering system.
- Learned about embedding resources into a server control.
- Charged another couple of my AAA batteries and replaced the one in my MP3.
- Went down to the grocere just to get change for my FFA. Yes Yes Yes.
- Loaded the half Enlightened Wealth Training into my mp3 for the automobile university sessions.
- Headed tonight's toastmaster meeting as president for the second time very successfully.
- Went up on stage for the Table Topics despite the mind chatter.
- Accepted a last-minute change in roles.
- Created a Google calendar to provide visiblilty over speeches and speakers, abbreviated the url, made it public, and shared it with our members.
- Added next meetings information into it during the meeting.
- Had very little food today to keep my body light.
- Was very detailed in evaluating the speaker and learned alot from the experience.
-Added deletion capabilities to the ordering system and fixed the validation summary.
- Installed VMWare on my laptop for virtualization purposes.
-Said thank you to my dad for his effort today in bringing my degree to me.
-Took time to get clear on one toastmaster's comment regarding the meeting.
-Accepted the challenge to speak in competetion with and advance speech.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 15
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for current or short-terms desire: "I am an MCPD web developer"
- Clarity of Intention:
"I Have Over $11,000 a month in passive Income"
I feel s blessed to have achieved this target and very grateful for the universe's confirmation of my belief and that I can go on very confidently to the next level of financial freedom. I love and appreciate the joy of visiting anywhere I want anytime I want however I want. Thank you so much for my Financial Freedom. I feel so thankful for my openess and receptiveness muscle that has proved so strong to magnetize all those gifts into my life. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Thank you for the beautiful view from my balcony over the crystal beauty of my swimming pool. - The Successes I enjoyed today:
- Finished about 40 pages of 1000 for the next MCPD exam.Total so far is 407 ( That's over %40. YAY!)
- Woke up early @ 6:15 am to start studying. Yes!
- Charged my AAA batteries despite not being in the mood.
- Got a basic understanding of what ASP.NET MVP framework is.
- Finished about 90% of the ordering system. All the functionality is now there.
- Depositing another commitment into my "No Matter What" box.
-Did 2 VAKS today instead of one. "I am a Project Management Professional"
- Communicated with myself gently and lovingly.
- Sat the elctronic alarm for tomorrow.
- Called Dr. Kamal to finalize my university degree despite calling him just yesterday.
- Contacted a local newspaper to use media pressure for my case and got an immediate response.
- Learned by doing how to use LINQ for inserts (not only queries).
-Saved myself alot of development time by venturing into the awesome LINQ.
- Created 3 new websites with Affiliate Jump.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 14
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for BIG dream. Done!
- List 10 thing/people you are grateful for in your life now:
- Salah Al-Mahdi, ex-pesident of our club. He helps me and is guiding me on my role as a club president.
- The VAKS process. It feels so powerful and mind-penetrating.
- My breathing. Every breath is an act of giving. It's a generous blissful gift.
- My Kindle 2. I love it. Makes reading much more enjoyable.
- My fancy Dell laptop. Very stylish, slick, and sleek.
- Miss Dorothy. Thank you so much for all the love and guidance.
- My paraliminal tracks. So transformative and relaxing.
- My TruSage program. Very brief very simple very effective. Every day for very few powerful minutes.
- My 600 Gb Western Digital USB hard drive I can back up whatever I want.
- My "Thank you for sharing" accepting and loving response to my mind-fric.
Choose one and describe "why" you are grateful for it:
Miss Dorothy. You opened my heart before anyone else to the vitality of loving kindness. You opened my eyes before anyone else to the consuming vastness of our existence beyond our physical bodies. I feel very grateful for all the intospective and enlightening discussions we had in your wonderful organized, decorative office. Thank you for the gift of TMI Gateway Voyage. I feel blessed to have known you. Thank you Thank yu thank you. - Beautiful Successes I Enjoyed Today:
- Read an amusing section on Chemistry from "A Short History of Nearly Everything" (23% finished)
- Took the action of becoming a platinum member of AffiliateJump.com despite the incoveience.
- Contacted their support team regarding the nature of the offer links.
- Finished over 70 pages of 1000 for my next MCPD exam. Total so far is 373.
-Put the old newspaper outside. Put up a new bag for the upcoming ones.
- Gave my scalp a wonderful soothing lemonade massage (^_^)
- Finished week 2 of the MMI 90-days program (16% !) and is a 1000% commited to living by it for the rest of it and beyond. (Thumbs Up!)
- Finished all typing of information for Toro Apps. Yes Yes Yes.
- Discovered and learned how to do Remote Desktop Connections in Windows Vista. :D
- Depositing 2 new commitments in my "No Matter What" box. Yes Yes Yes!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 13
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for financial freedom. Done!
- Today I woke up early @ 7:30 to start studying for MCPD despite being in the weekend. Even though I was tempted to the convenience of sleeping in, I got up, washed my face and finished the amount of reading I had before noon. Today I am depositing my "No Matter What!" first check/commitment with regard to passive income.
- My awesome successes for today:
- Finished over 50 pages of 1000 for the next MCPD exam. Total so far is 304. Yes!
- Completed the the vast majority of data collection and entry for the ON, CA application. Yes!
- Contacted Mom in Syria to get the necessary information from her.
- Attended Sheikh Abdul Qader gathering and had quite an amusing social night.
- Did my declarations and VAKS despite my mind's worry about dad's thoughts around what I'm doing. I knew he was listening and I continued regardless. I felt incredibly good afterwards.
- Kept my spin perfectly erect and upright intentionally for the vast majority of today in appreciation of my "height gift".
- Greeted a Sheikh's son whom I haven't seen for a while very warmly.
- Made my brother laugh over IM with my "You know too, much" comment. Such a joy he and his laugh are.
- Gave my neck and lower back a fantastic power tap.
- Got the zero friction marketing course. Can't wait to apply. Yes!
- Depositing another commitment into my "No Matter What" box.
- Sent my little lovely sister a happy birthday note.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 12
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- FFA for supportive belief around money and wealth. Done!
- Why I can be and deserve to be rich and successful:
- I am an ongoing non-stop learner. I always learn something new and valuable everyday.
- I am an excellent money manager. I manage and handle money very well. I plan and master my spending and work on creating streams of passive income.
- My "No Matter What" super power is growing. I will do whatever it takes.
- I provide tremendous value for other people's lives.
- I deserve to be rich because it's who I am. I am wealth and abundance. I am.
- I a open and receptive to all the universe has to offer me now. - My Wonderful Successes for Today:
- Took a quick comprehensive tour of CSS and appreciated its beauty.
- Enhanced the algorithm for the autocomplete part of my system significantly and added animation to it.
- Picked my dad from the airport and had a really cheerful conversation with him on the way home.
- Had a nice dinner with my dad.
- Gave him my token of appreciation.
- Introduced him to what I am doing (Wealth Conditioning) and the progress I have made so far. Now he knows that he's gonna be hearing some declarations every night and knows why. I have his support on my side.
- Acknowledged many of the great successes I had during the period he wasn't here.
- Depositing another commitment into my "No Matter What" Box.
- Took the time to attach a personal note to my dad's gift.
- Still musing at the power of LINQ. I discovered that it's not only used for queries. You can also use it for CRUD. Awesome.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 11
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for current or short-term desire. Done!
- Belief in Value:
- I help people in my work team by providing clarity over how well the team and the business is performing. I offer decision support through the best technology that I know of. The best technology is always evloving and so is my knowledge and expertise with it, because I am an excellent continuous learner. Everyday, I learn something new that can make the business and its utilization of system technologies better. I have excellent search capabilities to find the best sources of information, the best prices, and the best services for the business. I understand the beauty of the web and how to create a central system for visibility and decision support using all parts of the wide array of asthetics and functionalities. I am an excellent system designer. I am an excellent system analyst. Making the business's life alot more easier. - My Wonderful Successes for Today:
- I woke up earl at 6:45 and started studying.
- Arrived at work earlier than usual.
- Learned alot about LINQ and instantly fell in love with it.
- Utilized it immediately to create an autocoplete function within my system.
- Finalized the issue of my MCPD exam with Microsoft.
- Returned the phone battery I forgot with me yesterday despite the extra trip to the phone store.
- Wrote a recognition/satisfaction thank-you letter for the sales rep. who helped me find the perfect gift for my dad. Actually took the time to do that.
- Finished over 40 pages of 1000 towards my next MCPD exam. Total so far is 250 (That's 25% YAY ^_^)
- Finished the "ERP - Making It Happen" book on my Kin Doll.
- Read a good portion (on geology) from "A Short History of Nearly Everything" By Bill Branson. (13% Done)
- Took the move to cut the sweet melon in the fridge and enjoy its sweetness.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 10
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done !
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for Big Dream. Done!
- Visualization:
I see the wonderflu New Zealand below me in my amazing helicopter hike around the country. All the greeneries. The wonderful natural beauty. I am also looking at the mesmerising Niagara Falls. Captures every atom of my being with its majesty. I go back to my mansion in Al-Qura. Beautiful interior design, antiques, paintings, mosaiic,entertainment, electronics, kitchens, halls, royal bedrooms, crystal blue swimming pool, disco lights dancing on the high rocky mountain bordering the pool. I hear my gramma congratulating me on a safe and breathtaking flight to Canada and New Zealand. I touch my reflection in the water. The ripple moves all the lilacs and lotuses on the surface. I am so grateful so happy so blessed. - The successes I enjoyed today:
- Passed the alfa typing touch typist final exam.
- Big yes to success exercise.
- Brought my mobile phone from repair.
-Bought a protective leather cover regardless of the cost in order to take more care of this little blessing that I am appreciating more and more.
- Created an outlook email list to ease the communication tasks of our team.
- Learned alot about client-side JavaScript code.
- Discovered the way to use client script to communicate from inside an IFrame out.
-Finished over 50 pages of 1000 for the next MCPD exam. (totalling 207 pages so far).
- Contacted Prometric regarding the credit for my exam.
- Depositing a commitment into my "No Matter What" box for being early at work tomorrow.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 9
- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for financial freedome. Done!
- Purposes for Money:
- The power to purchase and attend any seminar, any course, any transformational and break-thrgough experience I desire. The ability to go on the next world tour trip with James A. Ray and become part of his World Wealth Society.
- Growing as an individual since my income will grow to the degree that I grow. I am becoming a warrior who take action regardless of ANYTHING. I am in the process of becoming a "make it happen no matter what" person.
- Travelling the world. Being able to see beautiful architechture, interiors ,nature, landscape, landmarks, animals, jungles, forests, rivers, mountains, volcanoes. Yes Yes Yes.
- Having the freedom of time to take lessons in the hobbies that I love. I can master my Spanish, become fluent at Farsi, take piano lessons, play the flute, join the best gym in town.
- Lifting up people with me along the way. Inpiring them that wealth is actually possible and even a must for a fully truly spiritual connection. If I have already done it, so can anyone in the world. Anyone can achieve wealth, and I am in the process of embodying that.
- Give back to mom and dad. Let them see some of the more beautiful days for all the hard work they have put in bringing me up.
- Giving more exponentially unconditionally to the universe.
Pick one and describe "why" it is important. How does it make you feel?
- Being able to go to all the educational evens and experiences I desire is of utmost importance to my personal growth. At any point in time, I am either growing or dying. One of the two. By continuously attending and integrating those events. My energy will be assured to be on the growing side Big Time. It makes me feel empowred, strong, self-reliant, self-suffiecient, and happy for all the hundreds and thousands of people I meet who are like-mided and like-spirited. - The Successes I enjoyed today:
- Got My dad's contract translation.
- Put my phone into repair.
- Checked the mail despite having to go the extra mile.
- Finished more than 40 pages of 1000 (totalling 151 so far).
- Discovered the way to use Steering Wheels in our dashboard.
- Fixed our company's main laptop. And set a policy to prevent any harm from being done to it again.
- Acted kindly toward the person behind me in line for the mobile phone service representative.
- Contacted Abid for direction on how to make my Adsense Treasure unique.
- Contacted prometric to register the credit for the exam I passed in my original MCP record.
- Saluted many friends I haven't seen in a while using Facebook.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 8
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done !
2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. Done!
4. I have a passive income of over $11,000 a month.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
Full of love and abundance. Connected to the Source. Connected to everyone around me on the deepest level. Exemplifying true nature and true practical spirituality. Amazingly grateful for all the freedom and time I have to do what I want. Thankful for the richness that has overflown my life. Feeling blessed to be in this life in this universe. Caring more about those in need. Loving and considerate. Confident in my ability to empower anyone who is still at the beginning of the road.
5. My successes for today:
- Created three new accounts (Jars) at the bank to complete my five JARS system (plus PLAY in cash) despite the unusal amount of cash that needed to be moved. (GIVE, EDU, and LTSS are now part of my financial universe)
- Finished another 5 pages out of 1000 in pre-launch period of the next exam prep. (total pages finished so far 115). One day left in pre-launch.
- Finished more than 30 typing lessons today, fully completing the entire alfatyping.com program. An initiative I started about 4 years ago (when I was a freshman in college). Now, I am ready to take the exam and become a certified touch typist.
- Created the "No Matter What" box and depositing my first commitment in it tonight.
- Having so much fun with the 15th row perspective and the rest of TruSage's exercises.
2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. Done!
4. I have a passive income of over $11,000 a month.
Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.
Full of love and abundance. Connected to the Source. Connected to everyone around me on the deepest level. Exemplifying true nature and true practical spirituality. Amazingly grateful for all the freedom and time I have to do what I want. Thankful for the richness that has overflown my life. Feeling blessed to be in this life in this universe. Caring more about those in need. Loving and considerate. Confident in my ability to empower anyone who is still at the beginning of the road.
5. My successes for today:
- Created three new accounts (Jars) at the bank to complete my five JARS system (plus PLAY in cash) despite the unusal amount of cash that needed to be moved. (GIVE, EDU, and LTSS are now part of my financial universe)
- Finished another 5 pages out of 1000 in pre-launch period of the next exam prep. (total pages finished so far 115). One day left in pre-launch.
- Finished more than 30 typing lessons today, fully completing the entire alfatyping.com program. An initiative I started about 4 years ago (when I was a freshman in college). Now, I am ready to take the exam and become a certified touch typist.
- Created the "No Matter What" box and depositing my first commitment in it tonight.
- Having so much fun with the 15th row perspective and the rest of TruSage's exercises.
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 7
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
3. VAKS for current desire. Done!
4. List 10 things/people you are grateful for now:
- I am grateful for the amazing knowledge of the MMI money management system. Thank you.
- I am grateful fo rmy amazing linguistic ability that allows me to access the widest portal of information through English books and communicate very fluently using the world's most popular language.
- I am so happy and grateful now for my wonderful touch typing skill which allows me to type at very high speeds without looking at the keyboard.
- I am so eternally grateful now for my Kindle (Kin Doll). A lovely educational toy that I am in love with.
- Thank you so much for my Cowon D2 Media Player that allows me to play FLAC files, meditation tracks, relaxation tracks, and paraliminals.
- Thank you so much for my new slim thin mobile phone. Sexy, light, and reliable.
- Thanks an eternity for my new Dell XPS Studio Laptop. Thank you. Thank You. Thank YOu.
- Thank you very much for this trip to Failaka. It was an amazing boost to my soul's playfulness.
- I am so happy and grateful now for my lovely job. Very autonomous. Responsible for technology. Creating solutions for the business.
- Thank you very much for the amazing circle of support I have in Facebook. I APPRECIATE it very much.
Choose one and describe "why" you are grateful for it. How it makes you feel:
My Kindle 2. I love it so much because I am a book hugger. Now I can be a library hugger. I can carry with me a library of over 1000 books in my back pack and my back would still be perfectly fine. I can look up any new word I don't know the meaning of on the spot. I can read multiple books in paralell changing from one to the other very quickly. I feel so blessed so lucky to have had this gadget. I have already finished 2 books. I feel very grateful because it makes me want to read more and more. I feel very satisfied because I could afford to have it. I feel open and receptive since this is one my play items that I got to have using the MMI system.
5. My successes for today:
- I have taken another hour of the amazing JetSki and allowed my soul to soar in the ocean. Very speedy.
- Let myself not do that much during this vacation and not feel guilty because it's a time designated for myself and myself only.
- Went into the captains room on our way back to behold the beauty of equipment at the control panel despite the fact that nobody left their seets during the trip. Have seen the amazing thoughts-vanishing beauty of the sunlight reflection on the sea. It's magical.
- Went back to change my camera's batteries despite not feeling like it. I took wonderful pictures of the sea before we arrived back at the harbour.
- Had lunch brought to my bed and ate it while watching TV. Completely nurturing myself in and out. Thank you Thank You Thank You.
- Woke up in the middle of the night merely to do this powerful daily exercise.
- Have commited to the program for a week now and is 1000% commiting to living the rest of it.
2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
3. VAKS for current desire. Done!
4. List 10 things/people you are grateful for now:
- I am grateful for the amazing knowledge of the MMI money management system. Thank you.
- I am grateful fo rmy amazing linguistic ability that allows me to access the widest portal of information through English books and communicate very fluently using the world's most popular language.
- I am so happy and grateful now for my wonderful touch typing skill which allows me to type at very high speeds without looking at the keyboard.
- I am so eternally grateful now for my Kindle (Kin Doll). A lovely educational toy that I am in love with.
- Thank you so much for my Cowon D2 Media Player that allows me to play FLAC files, meditation tracks, relaxation tracks, and paraliminals.
- Thank you so much for my new slim thin mobile phone. Sexy, light, and reliable.
- Thanks an eternity for my new Dell XPS Studio Laptop. Thank you. Thank You. Thank YOu.
- Thank you very much for this trip to Failaka. It was an amazing boost to my soul's playfulness.
- I am so happy and grateful now for my lovely job. Very autonomous. Responsible for technology. Creating solutions for the business.
- Thank you very much for the amazing circle of support I have in Facebook. I APPRECIATE it very much.
Choose one and describe "why" you are grateful for it. How it makes you feel:
My Kindle 2. I love it so much because I am a book hugger. Now I can be a library hugger. I can carry with me a library of over 1000 books in my back pack and my back would still be perfectly fine. I can look up any new word I don't know the meaning of on the spot. I can read multiple books in paralell changing from one to the other very quickly. I feel so blessed so lucky to have had this gadget. I have already finished 2 books. I feel very grateful because it makes me want to read more and more. I feel very satisfied because I could afford to have it. I feel open and receptive since this is one my play items that I got to have using the MMI system.
5. My successes for today:
- I have taken another hour of the amazing JetSki and allowed my soul to soar in the ocean. Very speedy.
- Let myself not do that much during this vacation and not feel guilty because it's a time designated for myself and myself only.
- Went into the captains room on our way back to behold the beauty of equipment at the control panel despite the fact that nobody left their seets during the trip. Have seen the amazing thoughts-vanishing beauty of the sunlight reflection on the sea. It's magical.
- Went back to change my camera's batteries despite not feeling like it. I took wonderful pictures of the sea before we arrived back at the harbour.
- Had lunch brought to my bed and ate it while watching TV. Completely nurturing myself in and out. Thank you Thank You Thank You.
- Woke up in the middle of the night merely to do this powerful daily exercise.
- Have commited to the program for a week now and is 1000% commiting to living the rest of it.
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 6
1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
3. VAKS for Big Dream. Done!
4. Act in spite of:
- I was reluctant to going into the sea water becuase its salty and I don't like getting wet in general. I jumped in the water regardless. And felt incredible that it was only me and the ocean. I screamed "I am open and receptive like the ocean". My mind starting trying to scare me out of the water playing tricks on me that maybe there are some sea creatures that can do me harm. It even created shadows of illusional creatures in the milky unclear salt water. I was all alone (in that spot at least) and I challenged myslef to walk further until the water was deep to the level of my neck. I walked in spite of fear.
5. My successes for today:
- I work up early this morning to pack everything I needed (the food specially). Put in lots of different nutrinionally diverse objects.
- Put up a new bag for disposing the read newspapers.
- Spoke to new people while on the boat to Failaka. Made friends with the French tourists.
- Swam in the very unclear sea despite the fear.
- Took the Jet Ski as part of my PLAY and had an amazing spectacular blast.
- 5 pages out of 1000 for the next MCPD.
- Hydrated myself very well.
- Sat infront of the beach and adored the beautiful stroy-telling stars.
2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
3. VAKS for Big Dream. Done!
4. Act in spite of:
- I was reluctant to going into the sea water becuase its salty and I don't like getting wet in general. I jumped in the water regardless. And felt incredible that it was only me and the ocean. I screamed "I am open and receptive like the ocean". My mind starting trying to scare me out of the water playing tricks on me that maybe there are some sea creatures that can do me harm. It even created shadows of illusional creatures in the milky unclear salt water. I was all alone (in that spot at least) and I challenged myslef to walk further until the water was deep to the level of my neck. I walked in spite of fear.
5. My successes for today:
- I work up early this morning to pack everything I needed (the food specially). Put in lots of different nutrinionally diverse objects.
- Put up a new bag for disposing the read newspapers.
- Spoke to new people while on the boat to Failaka. Made friends with the French tourists.
- Swam in the very unclear sea despite the fear.
- Took the Jet Ski as part of my PLAY and had an amazing spectacular blast.
- 5 pages out of 1000 for the next MCPD.
- Hydrated myself very well.
- Sat infront of the beach and adored the beautiful stroy-telling stars.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 5

- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
- Deposit to FFA. Done!
- VAKS for financial freedom. Done!
- List three reasons why you can be and deserve to be wealthy:
- I am an excellent money manager. I bought a software specifically designed for the JARS system. And I made it a very deeply instilled habit to use it on a daily basis to manage my money.
- I am a perseverent learner. I love to read and learn and apply what I learn.
- I am at a golden era of my life right now. Begining my life with the amazing powerful knowledge of the Millionaire Mind Intensive. Almost all my daily and monthly expenses are super-minimized. I am learning about and starting to build passive online income streams. I am willing to put the effort into it no matter what. - Acknowledging my successes for today:
- Booked a weekend trip to the Failaka Island as my play item for this month. YAY the boat leaves tomorrow. (My first time in all the 15 years I've lived here in Kuwait)
- Bought rubber bands for aversion therapy.
- Finished 100 of 1000 pages for the next MCPD exam.
- Packed and prepared some nice fresh food for the trip.
- Prepared the play budget for all the fun that I plan on having.
- Learned a little bit more about frying frozen french fries.
- Sent a 6-days early birthday message to my most favourite teacher ever.
- Backing up another 30 gigs of my precious data.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 4

- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations... Done
- Deposit to FFA. Done
- VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. Done!
- Describe how you hep people; the benefits your product, service or job has for others:
I add value to our team by utilizing the best of technology and system power to serve the businesse's highest interests. I am a continuous perseverent learner. Staying on the top of my game (Professional Development) to always over-deliver and provide the best value to the team. I am very calm at work even during workplace storms. I understand what is required and perform it regardless of personal particularities. I am very quick at discovering and correcting mistakes in program logic. I utilize the latest of web technologies. I am getting certified by Microsoft to materialize the solid proof of my business value. I am moving in the direction of providing value through Virual Real Estate. Quality content for the curious reader. Thank you Thank you Thank you. - My successes for today:
- I finished 52 of 1000 pages in preperation for the next MCPD exam.
- I sent my dad's contract to the translator to be translated into English.
- I did a double check on Employee Attendance for July and corrected many manual mistakes based on my granular system.
- I finished and debugged the returns module that gives management visibility on products that are being returned.
- I have figured out my play item for the month. Went physically and figured out the lcoation where tours gather and head out. (YAY YAY for the weekend).
- Engaged in some Giving in Gratitude activity.
- Backing up over 60 Gb of my valuable data.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 3

- Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done :)
- Deposit to FFA Done!
- VAKS for Current or Short Term Desire. Done!
- Take 1 minute and visualize yourself being financially free. Look all around
you, what do you see? What do you hear? What could you touch? What
could you taste? What could you smell? How do you feel? To strengthen
this exercise, you might want to write this description first and then go to
the visualization:
I see a charming blue swimming pool in my amazing mansion illuminated with sylish underwater lights, surrounded by naturally-looking mountain-like rocks. I feel so grateful fo this happening to me (me owning this mansion). I hear the voice of my relativs and friends -who are visiting me- congratulating me on how quite an achievement it is that I did. I smell fresh air outside and look up at the three stories of my mansion. I go inside and I touch the top surface of my $8,000 pool table. I hear the soudn of the little water fountain put up in the middle of the living room. I go up the stairs, see a wonderful artistic mosaic painting on my way up to the bar-style dining room which takes my breath away. I go out to the balcony to watch the swimming pool from the 3-stories-away distance. I sit with my friends in their to drink freshly-made mind-numbing lemoande. And then I go with my love to sit on the three-person swing right opposite to the mountain-side swimming pool. Thank you thank you thank you. - The Successes I Enjoyed Today:
- I aced the first exam on my way of becoming a MIcrosoft Certified Professional Developer. YaaaaaaaaaY ^_^ Thank You Thank You
- I brought sweets (Helwan) for the entire team at the company to celebrate my success.
- Gradually reducing my sleeping hours. Woke up at 7:45 instead of 8:00
- Pampered my self with an amazing glass of fresh country lemonade.
- Finished the employee attendance review for the month of July.
- Got the book for the next exam on becoming an MCPD (part 2 of 3). So Excited to Begin.
- Viewed lessons 2,3 of 9 of Adsense Training in preperation for setting up my first stream of passive income.
- Asked another friend to kindly be virtually with me in this 90-day-and-beyond journey.
- Called a local touristic company to prepare for a weekend boat trip. (Play account YAY :D)
- Called Rich Life Club to get all the files for the 90-days programme.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Wealth Conditioning -- Day 2
Day --2
- Attiudes of Wealth Declarations.
- Deposit to FFA.
- VAKS for Big Dream.
- Why I desire more money (purposes for money):
- I have to grow as a person in order to grow financially. The personal growth that I gain alone is well worth it.
- I will be able to travel the world. Wherever I want, whenever I want, however I want.
- I will have more power to do good. To help people and to support those in need.
- I will fund my education both formal and otherwise which will help me grow exponentially.
- Having the freedom to spend more time with those I love (including myself).
- Doing what I love and getting more rich doing it.
- Outsourcing more and more to spend time on more important things.
- Inspire others that anyone can make Financial Freedom happen. If I can make it, anyone can. If Trump can, I can.
- Going to alot more seminars, courses, retreats, and personal growth events.
- Being in touch with the universe. The universe is abundant, and the only way for me to be truly and higly connected to it is by allowing abundance to flow to me. - Choose one item and describe why it's important and how it makes you feel:
- Travelling the world is very important because it allows me to see more and more of the wonders of the universe. It flashes the mind with massive sudden beauty and facilitates immediate presence. I love to energy of green because it's so calming and mesmerizing. Going into nature reminds me of my true unconditioned nature. Going into nature reminds me of abundance before human egoic inturruption. Going into nature reminds me of the oness of all. I feel grateful for all that is. I feel beauty surrounds me wherever I go. I feel connected to God. I feel awe and wonder because there's always so much more to explore. - Did the 15th Row and Last-Row perspective exercise.
- My Successes for Today:
- Updated our company's products database with about 22 new products.
- Headed Al-Koot Toastmasters club meeting as a president for the first time.
- Accepted to be the general evaluator for the meeting on a very short notice. (my first time).
- Participated in table topics in spite of fear. (My table topic was about a date with Cameron Diyaz that ends up in Fear Factor)
- Moved my mom's car out of the parking so that I can put mine -since she's out of town for about 40 days- despite not being totally comfortable doing that.
-Created an Excel sales order form for our company with all the products in it.
- Looked the grocerer in the eye when he handed me the items, smiled, said thank you, and meant it.
- Asked another one of my friends to be an accountability partner for this program.
-Realized I had no toothpaste late at night before bedtime, and still went down and walked to the co-operative society, bought one, came back, and brushed my teeth despite the inconvenience.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Re-Wiring the Brain -- Day 1

So I have been attending this amazing program called Millionaire Mind Intensive, virtually while driving in my car by listening to the audio version of it. What a wonderful program and what an electrifyingly influential presenter! I have listened to the program on my way from home to work and from work to home for more than three times back to back to ingrain the principles as deeply as possible in my life and I still plan to go on listening to them for a couple more months.
Today, I just started the 90 day wealth conditioning program with the clarity of intention exercise. It's very simple, but very powerful at the same time. You breathe deeply and on the exhale you state your name to yourself. On the inhale, you declare the financial goal you intend for yourself in terms of monthly passive income. That way, you connect your innermost self with your outermost self through the bridge of breathing. Amazingly effective.
From now on, I will be blogging about what I practice and what I create in each day out of those 90 days on my way to true wealth and abundance. I appreciate all of your support. Thank you. Thank You. Thank You.
Day 1:
* Declared my wealth declarations to the universe with conviction.
* Deposit to the Money Magnet (FFA)
* Did the VAKS (Visual Audio Kinesthetic Spirit)
* Clarity of Intention: "I have a passive income of over $11,000 a
* Describe how it feels if this intention was a reality:
It feels natural. Nature is abundant. I feel connected to the universe which is by design very abundant. I feel grateful for all the amusement, the wonder, the love and awe I receive everday. I feel very fulfilled for the amount of value I add to people's life. I have more power to change the world. I have became a bigger person. My conciousness, and I as a person, have expanded greatly, and thus my income's expansion has followed. I have a very sincere outflowing smile on my face that I love to share with the world everyday.
* Acknowledging My Successes for today:
- Have bravely started the Wealth Conditioning Program.
- 1000% commitment to stay with it and live by it.
- Have registered for the MCPD exam on Tuesday, informed
management about taking off a few hours off work for sitting the
exam, and can already feel the joy of acing it.
- Continue to manage my money excellently, and play the money
game to win.
- Called my dad overseas and said happy travelling.
- Gave a sincere smile to a stranger in the bus who some would
wrongly consider as "unimportant".
- Listened to day one of TruSage 90 days wealth program and did the
- Took the bus and managed to ignore all the mind frick about why I
shouldn't have done it.
- Chose my thoughts mostly consciously. (contiuously improving my
thought management)
- Installed SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition on my notebook to
begin training on it.
- Watched an introductory video training chapter on SQL Server
2005. (2 of 17)
- Watched Lesson 1 of 9 of an Adsense Training Programme in
preperation for setting up my first stream of passive income.
- Contacted one of my dear Like-minded Facebook friends to ask
them to kindly be my accountability partner in this program.
- Updated my blog profile picture.
- Saw a friend of mine having a happy affectionate relationship, and
internally blessed her to have more and more love and happiness.
Thank You Thank You Thank You
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