Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 22

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Decalarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for Big Dream. Done!. "I Go on A Cruise To The Caribean"
  4. Clarity of Intention:

    " I have over $11,000 a month in passive income"

    It feels amazing to be in this reality where I can do whatever I want whenever and however. I have always been deeply grateful for my life and now my gratitude level has shifted to unequivocally higher and higher realms. Thank you for all the travel and vacation plans that I have set right now for me. Thank you for all the time that is available for me to work on all the things I love. I can take piano and flute lessons. I can master Spanish and I can go and sit on the beach. I can take mom on a big beautiful vacation to Tampa and Orlando Disney Land. Yes Yes Yes.
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - I read more than one chapter from "A Short History of Nearly Everything" on Particles, Geology. (Total so far 36%)

    - Prayed 16 rak3as of Taraweeh.

    - Was very present in greeting people cheerfully and 100% with them in the act of hand-shaking.

    - I made our website live with all but appearance issues fixed without waiting for technical support.

    - I uploaded our SQL server to the hosting company.

    -Brought back the translations from the translation office because I said I would do so.

    - Listened to another session from the "Enlightened Wealth Training" and brought back some lessons home. (most home-hitting for me is the realization that desire for achievement and being grateful for what you already have are two separate processes. They are not mutually exclusive. You can have both)

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