Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 29

  1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done!
  2. Deposit to FFA. Done!
  3. VAKS for financial freedom. Done!
  4. Clarity of Intention:

    "I have a passive income of over $11,000 a month"

    - I feel very happy to have accomplished this state of living, got out of my way, and moved in the path least taken out of what most crowds are willing to do. I feel satisfied. I feel blessed and Dinvinely taken care of. I feel expanded as a person. I feel growth uplifting my state of consciousness and my lifestyle. I am going to visit Fiji for the first time this coming Monday. Yes Yes Yes!
  5. My wonderful successes for today:

    - Have completed 4 weeks of the program and is a 1000% commited to staying with it.

    - Did the exercises today despite all the huge energy expended during the day.

    - Extracted order and return data for Aug. from all the 50 some files sent by TSC.

    - Reviewed the deliveries records against invoices.

    - Rehearsed my speech for 3 more times.

    - Responded to a friend who expressed interest in Toastmasters.

    - Exhibited great amount of energy during the day. I feel fantastic that I can actually generate all of this energy on demand because I am in my center which is my source of power.

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