Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wealth Conditioning -- Day 8

1. Attitudes of Wealth Declarations. Done !

2. Deposit to FFA. Done!

3. VAKS for supportive belief around money and wealth. Done!

4. I have a passive income of over $11,000 a month.

Describe how you would feel if this intention was your reality.

Full of love and abundance. Connected to the Source. Connected to everyone around me on the deepest level. Exemplifying true nature and true practical spirituality. Amazingly grateful for all the freedom and time I have to do what I want. Thankful for the richness that has overflown my life. Feeling blessed to be in this life in this universe. Caring more about those in need. Loving and considerate. Confident in my ability to empower anyone who is still at the beginning of the road.

5. My successes for today:

- Created three new accounts (Jars) at the bank to complete my five JARS system (plus PLAY in cash) despite the unusal amount of cash that needed to be moved. (GIVE, EDU, and LTSS are now part of my financial universe)

- Finished another 5 pages out of 1000 in pre-launch period of the next exam prep. (total pages finished so far 115). One day left in pre-launch.

- Finished more than 30 typing lessons today, fully completing the entire program. An initiative I started about 4 years ago (when I was a freshman in college). Now, I am ready to take the exam and become a certified touch typist.

- Created the "No Matter What" box and depositing my first commitment in it tonight.

- Having so much fun with the 15th row perspective and the rest of TruSage's exercises.

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