So I have been attending this amazing program called Millionaire Mind Intensive, virtually while driving in my car by listening to the audio version of it. What a wonderful program and what an electrifyingly influential presenter! I have listened to the program on my way from home to work and from work to home for more than three times back to back to ingrain the principles as deeply as possible in my life and I still plan to go on listening to them for a couple more months.
Today, I just started the 90 day wealth conditioning program with the clarity of intention exercise. It's very simple, but very powerful at the same time. You breathe deeply and on the exhale you state your name to yourself. On the inhale, you declare the financial goal you intend for yourself in terms of monthly passive income. That way, you connect your innermost self with your outermost self through the bridge of breathing. Amazingly effective.
From now on, I will be blogging about what I practice and what I create in each day out of those 90 days on my way to true wealth and abundance. I appreciate all of your support. Thank you. Thank You. Thank You.
Day 1:
* Declared my wealth declarations to the universe with conviction.
* Deposit to the Money Magnet (FFA)
* Did the VAKS (Visual Audio Kinesthetic Spirit)
* Clarity of Intention: "I have a passive income of over $11,000 a
* Describe how it feels if this intention was a reality:
It feels natural. Nature is abundant. I feel connected to the universe which is by design very abundant. I feel grateful for all the amusement, the wonder, the love and awe I receive everday. I feel very fulfilled for the amount of value I add to people's life. I have more power to change the world. I have became a bigger person. My conciousness, and I as a person, have expanded greatly, and thus my income's expansion has followed. I have a very sincere outflowing smile on my face that I love to share with the world everyday.
* Acknowledging My Successes for today:
- Have bravely started the Wealth Conditioning Program.
- 1000% commitment to stay with it and live by it.
- Have registered for the MCPD exam on Tuesday, informed
management about taking off a few hours off work for sitting the
exam, and can already feel the joy of acing it.
- Continue to manage my money excellently, and play the money
game to win.
- Called my dad overseas and said happy travelling.
- Gave a sincere smile to a stranger in the bus who some would
wrongly consider as "unimportant".
- Listened to day one of TruSage 90 days wealth program and did the
- Took the bus and managed to ignore all the mind frick about why I
shouldn't have done it.
- Chose my thoughts mostly consciously. (contiuously improving my
thought management)
- Installed SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition on my notebook to
begin training on it.
- Watched an introductory video training chapter on SQL Server
2005. (2 of 17)
- Watched Lesson 1 of 9 of an Adsense Training Programme in
preperation for setting up my first stream of passive income.
- Contacted one of my dear Like-minded Facebook friends to ask
them to kindly be my accountability partner in this program.
- Updated my blog profile picture.
- Saw a friend of mine having a happy affectionate relationship, and
internally blessed her to have more and more love and happiness.
Thank You Thank You Thank You
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